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James Carousel Javan Bryant   <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Essay 5, Reclaim of the Breukelen Water Front Revised

The post-industrial,Brooklyn Bridge Park, located along the East River, has returned the city’s waterfront edge to public use unlike ever before in it’s more than 300 year history. The Brooklyn waterfront doesn’t just have a storied past but also a promising future. … Continue reading

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Process for Embedding Video using Google Maps and YouTube

Here I’ll describe the process of embedding your on-site speech video onto the Google map. Part 1:  YouTube Log into YouTube and upload your speech video. Once you’ve uploaded your speech video to YouTube, you’ll click “Video Manager” using the … Continue reading

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lovaction vid

this is my location speech video :

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On-site Video Speech

This is my speech done on location, Brooklyn Technical High School. ^_^

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The Brooklyn Bridge- Phillip Lopate

On page 248 in the ‘BROOKLYN BRIDGE”. Phillip lopate describes some of the interesting facts about the Brooklyn bridge  and it significance in literature. for instance the fact the Brooklyn bridge is actually an extension of the street system. therefore … Continue reading

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Brooklyn bridge summary page 245

On page 245 the author Phillip Lopate talks about the raw profile into the view of the bridge. He also examples in detail of  the beauty of the bridge by describing why he thinks Brooklyn Bridge is such an beautiful place to see. Lopate describe … Continue reading

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page 247 summary

on page 247 the author compares the brooklyn bridge to other bridges in the past for example: babylon and her hanging garden, egypt her pyramid, Athens her acropolis, rome her atheneum so brooklyn is as her bridge. he talks about … Continue reading

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“The Brooklyn Bridge” by Phillip Lopate pg 247

The page I was assigned to read talks to us in a very rich vocabulary and paints mental images in our minds. It also shows how proud and fascinated the author is with the Brooklyn Bridge. He says that the … Continue reading

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Summary of “The Brooklyn Bridge” Page 245

On page 245 Phillip Lopate author of “The Brooklyn Bridge” started by mentioning the raw profile of the bridge. Lopate discusses the principle beauty of the bridge by describing in detail why he thinks Brooklyn Bridge is “handsome”. An example of Lopate description of the bridge comes … Continue reading

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11/14 class

on wensday’s class we disscussed what our  locations will be for essay number 4. prof. jody rossen pulled uo a huge map on the computer rooms smart board. and as she aske d every one there location she marked it … Continue reading

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The brooklyn bridge “fact and symbol”

In alan tracgtunberg prolougue in the ” brooklyn bridge fact and symbol” he frist describes how it is to see the brooklyn bridge from diffrent perspectives . how it is to see it from brooklyn hieghts, chinatown or even up … Continue reading

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Wednesday session

On our Wednesday session for english we had a double period session for english since professor davis was out. In the first half we talked about Reading Lucy. we talked about details that we found very interesting. How Lucy wrote … Continue reading

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Reflection on computer session

In our  Wednesday session of Eng 1101 we had a double period which consisted of finishing our reading of “Reading Lucy” as well as a visit to a computer lab.  In our computer lab visit Professor Rosen began by having each … Continue reading

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Checklist: to do for Essay 4, the research essay

find an interesting place,-73.984165&spn=0.075896,0.110035 check to see if you’re satisfied with the location you’ve picked go to the area and check it out–this will help you figure out what’s interesting about it, what you want to know more about, … Continue reading

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