Felix Ubiera, ENG2575-E292, Comments on presentations done on March 12th, 2019

Sergio Carrillo Presentation:

  • The 5G technology is a good thing but behind it comes many things that might not be good. For example, the car industry is going to change but it is not as secure as people think. Signal degrades and sometimes it gets lost. So, the car connected to this technology could crash due to this vulnerability.

Shatabdi Katha presentation:

  • I’m afraid of what the future holds for people if technology keeps growing as it is. Because of phones we no longer talk to people in front of us. Now, with Alexa, people might not even talk with other people.

Hasibul Chowdhury ENG2575 E292 – Presentation Comments

Sergio Carrillo
“How 5G Will Change So Much More Than Your Phone” – WSJ

How much does 5G improve upon 4G? The article does not mention any hard numbers or evidence and most of the article is speculation.

Shatabdi Katha

“Amazon Bets on an Empathetic Alexa” – NYT

Do you think smart speakers are going to far or have they not gone far enough with how much they can do?

Afraz Allie ENG 2575 E292 Comments on Presentations

Presentation 1

HI Sergio, I think the presentation was informative especially since it is pointing towards the future and the way life will rely on technology. However, there was a statement that struck me with the presentation.

  • You mentioned that where cell towers were absent, cars will be able to receive signals from other cars. So my questions is if there is an absence of towers, how are the other cars receiving their signals as well in order to transmit?

Presentation 2

Hi Shatabdi, thank you for enlightening us about Alexa and the ways in which it can be used. Your presentation was clear and straight to the point.

Thank You.





Comments on presentations done on March 5th, 2019

Presentation 1:John Smith

Good: Informative, well explained and spoken clearly, knows about the subject.

Do you think that it was really flaw problem or that Apple was aware of that “problem”?

Presentation 2:

Good: Informative, knows about the subject

Bad: Not well explained, too long, spoke too fast

Why do you think that the European law is not the same in United States?

Hasibul Chodurry

Good: Very Informative, well spoken, well informed about the subject

Bad: Not loud enough,

Do you think that the same surveillance problem will eventually happen to the US?

My comments on today’s Presentations

  1. Apple was slow to Act on Facetime Bug that allows Spying on iphones, by Joseph Smith

I found it concerning that Apple took so long to respond to a customer complaint of a security flaw.  The security and customer’s privacy should be a company’s top priority.

2. Google is fined $57 million under Europe Data Privacy Law by Felix

A question that the presentation raised is, ‘How does google use the data that they collect besides for targeted ads?’

3. Limiting your digital footprints in a surveillance state

I found it quite interesting but absurd and shameful that you can find yourself on a billboard because you’re guilty of a misdemeanor like jay walking .