Author Archives: Erik Ramon

Erik Ramon ENG2575E292 Comments on presentation of April 16, 2019

First Presentation (Chadrick)

  • this presentation was quite informative that conveys the use of VR  and mixed with the watch and sensors to save people and create a better expansion of a medical wing.

Second Presentation (Benjamin)

  • great work, with more information to gain from these slides that happen in facebook that we should all know, is a big topic from all over the world

Third Presentation (Verneller )

  • amazing story about cars it would be a good way of keeping the road safe

Erik Ramon ENG2575E292 Comments on presentation of March 19, 2019

First Presentation (Matt)

  • The information was great, his speech was loud which is great for sitting back here, and finally everything was well explained.

Second Presentation (Afraz)

  • Had a funny but also interesting presentation. The information in each slide was short but well explained.

Third Presentation (Ahamed)

  • very good information but did not have that much eye contact with the audience, but had a very good topic to learn about.

Erik Ramon ENG2575 D580 5 line movie summary

A favorite movie that comes to mind right away has to be the movie Spider-Man from the year 2002. This movie is based on a teenager who’s name is Peter Parker, he is attending High school, and he is really smart . While he is on a school trip, he gets bitten by genetically altered spider which alters his own DNA, gives him super human strength, and changes his whole life. Living with his grandparents he learns from them on how to be a honest and humble man with his friends and the people around him. His grandfather tells Peter on how to walk the right path and the words he use will never be forgotten, they are as follows ” With great power comes great responsibility.”

The movie Spider-Man from the year 2002 is based on a teenager who’s name is Peter Parker, who is attending High school, and is a really smart student. While he is attending a school trip, he gets bitten by genetically altered spider which alters his own DNA, gives him super human strength, and changes his whole life. Living with his grandparents he learns from them on how to be a honest and humble man with his friends and the people around him. Peter faces a threat which harms the people he cares about, the villain goes by the name the Green Goblin which later Peter finds out that it’s his best friends father Norman Osborne. The movie ends with Spider-man making a tough choice in his life followed by more villains.