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My comments on Presentations

Presentation 1- The presentation should have more focused details about the facetime security problem and the texts in the presentation slides were hardly visible.

Presentation 2- The presentation contained way more comments from tech critics and less information on how Google collects the data and uses it to produce targeted ads.

Presentation 3- Good presentation with lots of important information.

Comments on Presentation 3/5/19


Yes, adds are becoming increasingly rapid on many social websites. One question that for this presentation is do you think google  would have respond differently if this happened in the U.S?


From my interpretation of the summary of this article, it seems like China has less privacy when it comes to privacy with technology. one question that i have as it retains to this article is do you think that a heavily surveillance state like china lack of privacy better than what we have in the U.S.

Joseph’s presentation

Thank you Joseph for the valuable information on this Face Time issue with iPhones.

Suggestion: Use a better background/text for future presentations.


Thank you Felix for this interesting information.

Suggestion: Graphics will be very helpful for this topic to compare among companies and easily identify which company is more disloyal to costumers.


Thank you Hasibul for bringing in this hot topic.

Great presentation overral!



Questions and comments for the presentations

1)Was the problem fully fixed by Apple with the update or are people still reporting issues?

2)It is scary how little we know or how little we care that a company like google is using target ads to get our information. We don’t even know how our information is being used.

3)Is the Chinese government this strict with all foreign visitors or is it just the journalists?

My comments

Presentation 1

Hi Joseph, I think your presentation on the Facetime vulnerability was great, It was very informative and practical especially since I am an IPhone user and the vulnerability affects me directly.

Thanks for educating me on the topic. I feel as though I must take IOS upgrades more         seriously now knowing about the seriousness of some of the security flaws.

Presentation 2

Hi Felix, I enjoyed listening to your presentation. It was something i can relate to since I, like many others, click “I agree” without reading the privacy contents. I always wondered how it is that after searching some websites for specific items then going to google or other webpages and see advertisements of the very things I looked at.


My Comment- 3/5/19

Apple Face time Bug presentation

When it comes to technology, security is a big issue. It’s like people know that these tech companies like google, Facebook, amazon exploiting people’s privacy for their own means. There have been multiple incidents where people noticed Facebook eavesdropping in on people conversation through their phone’s mic and using it for their means of purpose.  For example, showing you advertisements about the products you mentioned about in the conversation.

Google is Fined

It’s shocking how much they were charged for using targeted ads on their website. Whenever a user queries for anything there are websites right at the very top that paid google to appear on top of the page. They’re usually well known and well established websites, but it is shocking to see how much they pay google to appear at the top of the result page.


I think most superpower countries like Russia, China , America and India, journals are treated with the same concern. No major country want their sensitive information leaking out. They’re almost treated like spies. the government of the country tend to keep a close eye on outside tourists, and I think that seems like the right protocol.

Felix Ubiera, ENG2575-E292, Comments on presentations done on March 5th, 2019

Joseph’s Presentation:

Joseph Smith Presentation: Apple Was Slow to Act on FaceTime Bug That Allows Spying on iPhones.

Question: Was the flaw there since a long time or did it come with a recent apple update?

Comment: I think that apple knew before they were told by the Ms. Thompson and they were exploiting it. They could be exploiting it with the excuse that it was only a flaw.

Hasibul’s Presentation:

Question: Is US becoming more like china with the surveillance?