My Introduction


My name is Evelin Hernandez I am currently attending City College of Technology, in pursuit of a career in nursing. It has been an interesting journey. I am a single mother raising a nine year old girl. My daughters name is Jaylene Clevah Reaves. I have taken the responsibility to raise my deceased sisters two daughters. My life has been a rollercoaster due to the death of my older sister and other bumps I have faced along the road which we know as life. I decided to take this course because I admire successful woman and  I intend to write my own personal autobiography. I look forward to sharing my experiences with other woman.. I hope I can help other woman who may be going through some of the same issues I have endured.

I look forward to learning about the woman who have made history as well as shaped it. Woman have come a long way in society, we have gone from having limited rights to being able to express ourselves freely and in the open. Woman play a major role in the arts. Woman have been granted opportunity’s that were not always available. I appreciate the fact that I am living at a time were I myself can enjoy the privileges, that many others before me fought for me to have. I hope that we all learn to the best of our ability. I am happy to be your classmate I hope we can all learn from each other.

Best of wishes to you all , may you have a great semester



Hi everyone, my name is Emily Sawh. I was born and raised in Queens, NY. I am 19 years old. My ethnicity is Guyanese. Although I’ve never been to Guyana, I do know a lot about my culture and one day hope to visit. I have two older brothers, which love to spoil me since I happen to be the youngest and the only girl. This is my fourth semester at City Tech and I am majoring in Human Services. Over the past few years I’ve had a little of difficulty and some confusion trying to decide what I wanted to major in. As I started to take some Human Services classes I decided that I loved this field. I started to become more and more interested in my classes and work as time went on. I even looked forward to going to those classes the most. I love helping others which led me to this major. I do hope to get my bachelors degree in HUE one day. I am a very social person but there are times where I just feel like being by myself. I love listening to music and zoning out into my own little world. I have an obsession for penguins! I have no clue why but I love them. I have penguin socks, penguin stuffed animals, penguin earrings.. You name it, I have it. I would like to travel the world one day, sadly I’ve only went to Texas, Florida, and New Jersey. I also have an obsession with puppies. I wish I could own one someday but for now my mom says I’m too busy to take care of it. On my free time, I like to hang out with my family and just be silly. They always seem to make everything better. I live with both of my parents that I love with all of my heart. They’re both the best support system any kid could ask for. As a kid, I always loved English. Whenever we were assigned to write our short stories, I would go on and on. I am definitely looking forward to this class and learning new things. It was a pleasure meeting my classmates and Ms. Rosen. I hope to achieve all of my goals along the way.

Introducing Myself <3

My name is Naiomi Ramos and I am 19 years old. I come from a Dominican family which I truly love. I love my culture and my roots although I was born in New York. I believe I am a really family orientated person because we share lots of time together. I was blessed to be an aunt at a young age by my brother and I love my niece as my own (I love kids). I am Liberal Arts major at this point and will be getting my associates degree by the end of this semester. I will be coming back to school and trying to get into the radiology program which is my dream in spring 2015 because sadly they only accept people in spring semester. I was missing one prerequisite which didn’t allow me to apply this semester, but I am taking it knowJ. I hope for the best and that everything come out as plan. I am sure that I will like to stay in the medical field just in case radiology doesn’t work out. I am a very friendly person love to meet new people yet I could be shy at the same time. I love to dance (Spanish music is my preference haha). One thing I truly love to do and always do is laugh. I feel like laughing is the joy to life. I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason so, therefore i try to always stay positive know matter what situation I am in. I am truly looking forward to this class. I hope to learn more about women writing and their different styles and ideas.  I hope my classmates and I have a great semester (of course you to professorJ). I was glad to meet you in our last meeting and hope on having a great relationship!

A little about me

My name is Sibel. I was born in Turkey and have been living in New York since 1993. I came to USA when I was 13 years old. I have been living away from my parents for 20 years. It has been rough but they had always dreamed of a better life for me and by sending me to USA to stay with my aunt was what they thought was the first step for that.

I am a single mother of two. My son is 10 and my daughter is 5.  After a 9 year break I decided to return to school and pursue a degree.   My major is Human Service and this is my last semester.  Yes, it has been hard on me and my kids for me to juggle around school, work, internship and home, but at the end of the day when I come home to see my kids happy and healthy, I realize that I am doing a good job and I can do much better.

I know that it doesn’t sound like I have a spare time for myself but, I love to spend time with my kids. Weekends are mommy and me days for my kids.  All three of us love to build Lego cities. We have a closet full of Lego sets.  I love cooking, mostly Turkish food. We are planning our first family trip to Turkey this summer.  Everyone is pretty excited already.   My mother-in-law is also living with us. We enjoy her company and we love her.  She has been a great support.

The reason I took this course is because I needed an advanced English course to graduate. I also realized that, I read a lot of Turkish novels and my favorite authors are women for some reason, I thought it would be interesting to learn about women writers.  Looks like an interesting class already.


Hello, My name is Jonathan Leon and I’m 19 years old. Im Mexican-American I was born in Houston Texas and moved to Brooklyn when I was 5 years old. This is my second year at City Tech. my major Liberal Art & Arts. But I was thinking to transfer to a different major. One of my goals is to graduate with a Bachelor degree or maybe become an EMT, which maybe I could major on. I use to work in a restaurant as a part time and also worked in a jewelry store/arts and crafts from many different parts of the world. Things I love to do is drawing and taking my dog out for long walks but haven’t done that since its been real cold lately I also like to listen to music while I’m drawing just to change the atmosphere of the room to change the vibe of the drawings. I chose this class because I need an elective credit and seem like an interesting class to take and to learn more about women writers even though I never took a women writer class.

Now it’s my turn

Hopefully you’ve gotten to know me a little bit just from my previous posts–our writing says a lot about us–but allow me to introduce myself more fully. I’m a native New Yorker, and have lived in three of the five boroughs. I’m an assistant professor in the English Department at City Tech, with a Ph.D. in English and a certificate in Women’s Studies from the CUNY Graduate Center. My undergraduate degree from Brown University is in both English and Biology. As a college student, this combination often confused people, and they would ask “What are you going to do, write science textbooks?” No, that was never an interest of mine. I do use a lot of science terminology and metaphors in my writing, both in my creative writing and in my scholarly work.

Here at City Tech, I’m involved in a number of interesting projects. I won’t list them all, but I’m active on the Undergraduate Research Committee, so let’s talk if you’re interested in conducting research. I’m currently the OpenLab co-director, and am conducting research on interactive technology use in education. My scholarly work also focuses on narrative theory, gender and sexuality studies, and literature of the 20th century.

Outside of work–if we can ever really separate the things we do into work and non-work, I’m an avid knitter and crocheter. I’ve been known to quilt. I love to cook. I want to learn how to use a letterpress. As you can see, I like to make things! It’s so satisfying to see a project through from start to finish, and to have a tangible object to show for it.

I love to look at old maps and photographs of New York, and often incorporate them into my ENG 1101 courses. Although I’m an amateur and don’t have fancy equipment, I love to take photographs when I travel, whether it’s to the UK (a great trip I took this summer), to California (where I’ll be visiting this spring), or even just for a ride on the Staten Island Ferry (which I’ve done countless times).

Now that you’ve gotten to know me a bit better, I look forward to getting to know all of you!


Introduction to my life

I am a hospitality major because I love interacting with people from all spectrums of life. I have a constant need to help and learn. I have grandiose plans from my furture in all aspect of the hospitality industry. I am from Manhattan and work as a waitress at a small diner connected to the Holiday Inn Wall Street. I have two dogs named Carlos and Charlie and they are my everything. I like to spend my free time painting and watching movies with my boyfriend. I also enjoy cooking a nice meal for my boyfriend every night. You could say I am a simple girl living in a complex world. I have a very close family and see my mother almost every day. I live in the Financial District in Manhattan with my sister and our boyfriends. My parents live only two blocks away so it is very easy to see them as often as I please. My best friends name is Greg and he is amazing. I don’t know what I would do without him. He helps me in all aspects of life and never fails to put a smile on my face. I am excited for this class because I am eager to learn and strengthen my knowledge in on this topic. Cant wait to get started 🙂 !

Brazilian Girl Does NYC

My name is Andressa (or Andie, depending on how well you can roll your “r”.) Actually I do prefer Andie, at least in the US. I’m a 25 year old transplant from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and have been living in New York since August 2009. I moved here with the premise of graduating college and possibly finding a job in the city. Four years on, a lot has happened and I’m very close to finally getting my diploma.

I’m crazy about graphic design; luckily enough, that’s my career. I started being curious about the topic back in 6th grade and never stopped. Between building websites for my favorite Irish boyband at age 12 and creating the visual identity for restaurants in New York City, it has been a great creative journey so far. This city is so full of life in so many ways; it’s hard to be bored around here.

I’m really glad I moved to the Big Apple. It was my first experience living without my parents and having to work to pay my bills. I had jobs before, but without the responsibilities that come when you don’t have mom buying toilet paper and dad calling the guy to fix the kitchen sink. I’ve learned a lot. Aside from making me grow as a person, New York has introduced me to art and culture like I never knew before. The museums, galleries and street art are an intrinsic footprint of the city. I love being a part of it.

All About Albert

My name is Albert Morales. I’m a New Years baby and 22 years old. After this semester, this will be my third full year in City Tech. My first two years I was studying electrical engineering. During my second year of courses I realized that this major wasn’t for me. I always knew that I wanted to be involved in the technology field so i figured I would start with electrical engineering, then if it didn’t work out I would just branch out from there. So that’s what I did for my third year, I changed my major to computer science. I’m not going to lie, I still don’t know what line of work I want to be apart of in the near future. But I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s experiencing this problem. For me it’s important to stay consistent with work. Having a good job will give you experience, leadership, confidence , but most importantly responsibility. I currently have three different jobs, all which are part time. These jobs differ in fields, which is important to me so I can always have my options open. For my main job, I’m a porter for a building. I’m also part of the Maintenance crew . This job enables me to become better at time management because I’m always pacing myself to finish on time. Another job I do on the side, I assist my father in the iron works business. My father has been a welder for over 30 years now. I’ve been working with him for the past 8 years. My third job, I assist my friend who used to be a carpenter . Once he retired , he hired me to help him rebuild his old house. So that’s the main reason I ain’t stressing about my future. If I don’t find a career from school I’ll find a career in the welding business.

During my spare time , besides playing video games and hanging out with friends, I really enjoy writing lyrics. Rap lyrics to be specific. Battle rap lyrics to be even more specific lol. I’ve been addicted to battle rap ever since 2005. I know almost every battle rapper there is to know and I even show support and go to their live events. I’m fortunate enough that the best battle rap league, URL , holds most of their events in manhattan. The best battle rappers are all from New York as well. There is also a battle rap league in Canada called King of the Dot that I also support heavy. The battle rap scene has grown tremendously over the past 5-7 years. There isn’t a day that goes by where I’m not coming up with crazy punchlines or metaphors. I truly believe the material I come up with is better than 30-40% of other battlers. The reason I’m taking this class is to improve my vocabulary and not to mention my thought process.

Welcome to my life.

My name is Gregory DeVico. I am attending City Tech and studying Hospitality Management. My dream position is to be a wedding planner. When it comes to school I am not an “A” student, however I am a student who works their hardest and their works proves just that. What interested me in the Hospitality field is the feeling you get when you make someones day. Weather it is during those five seconds when they are getting a cup of coffee at Starbucks, or serving them at a restaurant. Regardless making someones day go from okay to great is something I strive for everyday I am at work. I am taking this course because well its a requirement. However I do enjoy reading and I am excited to be exposed to all sorts of literature this semester. I currently live with my sister in west Harlem. I am originally from Cape Cod, Mass so naturally I feel like I should live on a beach. I enjoy being outdoors and rock climbing. I just came back from spending the last seven months doing the Disney College Program, and it was the best seven months of my life. I also enjoy travelling and am going to Italy this summer for 2 weeks.