Women Hollering Creek ( Telenovela)

The function of telenovela plays a big role throughout the story. In the story we are introduce to a woman named Cleofilas who is from Mexico. Cleofilas has been growing up watching telenovelas her whole life while she was living with her parents. Coming from a Spanish home as well I can totally relate to this, I have been growing up watching these types of show as well is very interesting that Cleofilas wants to live her life like a novella because I feel many people will love too , but that’s something that its unrealistic.  Watching these shows has caused her to fantasize of living a similar life as the actors.  She wants to dress and do her makeup like the actors she sees in the show. Cleofilas wishes to get marry and live with her husband forever. After she gets married with Juan and moves away from her parents she realized that her dream of having a perfect romantic life is actually the opposite. Her husband is abusive and mistreats her dealing with something that she is not used to gives Cleofilas a hard time to cope with the situation. She always told herself that she will not deal with domestic violence when she saw it occurring in the telenovelas, but when she actually experienced it herself she contradicted herself. In the story it states “ Cleofilas thought her life would have to be like that, like a telenovela, only now the episodes got  sadder and sadder” She realizes that something love is not as great as its shown in the telenovelas. I think she used these shows to escape from her true reality  after she married Juan it was a way that still gave her hope of true love and that made her feel a little bit better. At the end she finally was brave to leave her husband and return to her family a place that she probably wishes had never left.


Indeterminate – Adjective

Definition- not able to be stated or described in an exact way

Source – http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/indeterminate?show=0&t=1400613607

Found in – ” There was Once ” by Margaret Atwood

Passage – ” There was once a girl of indeterminate descent, as average- looking as she was good, who lived with her wicked”

This was one of the correction that the second speakers makes while the first speaker is telling the story. The second speaker states that the character of the original Cinderella story was already from the dominate  culture which is white, that the story should be different. That Cinderella should be from some other culture but by saying  indeterminate to says that the race is unknown so every reader could assume she from any place.

Bell jar

Bell Jar – noun

Definition – a bell-shaped usually glass vessel designed to cover objects or to contain gases or a vacuum

Source – http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bell+jar?show=0&t=1400612972

Found in – The Bell Jar – Sylvia Plath

Passage – “wherever I sat—on the deck of a ship or at a street cafĂ© in Paris or Bangkok—I would be sitting under the same glass bell jar, stewing in my own sour air”

Throughout this story the significance of the bell jar was very important here we see Esther feeling that she is inside of a bell jar because she is suffocating within her own thoughts. Esther is not able to express what she truly feels in this is why she feels trap.

Expanding My Vocabulary

5. Slunk
14.Bell Jar
15. Indeterminate

 This is not the first time I was assigned a vocabulary assignment throughout a course I honestly believe that this is a great way to expand my vocabulary  and understand the reading better. This assignment was interesting to me because I will always assume the definition of the word  I don’t know  and sometimes I am right and other I am not and its great to read the true definition . Its a great opportunity to comprehend the stories that we have read in this course.



Monstrous – Adjective

Definition – very wrong or unfair

Source –http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/monstrous

Found in – ” The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Passage – ” She did not stop to ask if it were or were not a monstrous joy that held her”

Ms. Mallard was so happy that she will now live for herself for the upcoming years that she didn’t even question  if the joy she was feeling was something wrong because she really was supposed to be sad that her husband passed away.


Evasion- noun


Definition:a way of avoiding something


Found in: “The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath

Passage: “ I don’t know just why my successful evasion of chemistry should Have floated into my mind there in Jay Cee’s office”

I know understand that  She was asking herself why she  starting to think about the unpleasant experience she had during chemistry while she was attending school.


Sanatorium -noun


Definition: an establishment that provides therapy combined with a regimen (as of diet and exercise) for treatment or rehabilitation


Found in: “The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath

Passage: “ Buddy mother had even arranged for me to be given a job as a waitress at the TB sanatorium that summer so Buddy wouldn’t be lonely”

I now  understand that this was the place Buddy was taken to so he could receive treatment for his disease.


 Congenial – adjective

Definition: existing or associated together harmoniously


Found in: “ The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins

Passage: “ Personally, I believe that congenial word, with excitement and change , would do me good. But what is one to do?

Understanding what the word mean I see that the narrator actually believes that if she had something to do or as to interacting with other people she will actually feel better. I agree with her because it’s like her husband has he isolated from the world not letting her to nothing or interact with no one else but himself and his sister. I think if he actually let her write freely she will feel better about herself.



Definition: the act of making fun of someone or something in a cruel of harsh way

Found in: “ Quicksand” by Nella Larsen

Passage: “ Helga Crane too had risen.  Quickly. A sort of madness had swept over her. She felt that he had belittled and ridiculed her. And thing this she had suddenly savagely slapped Robert Anderson with all her might, in the face”

Understanding what the word mean I know understand that she felt that Dr. Anderson was actually fooling her or taking her as a fool and this is why she got highly upset and reacted physically .