Quick Sand

The Novel begins at the point in Helga Cranes life when she is a school teacher, She is unhappy with  where she is in lfe. Helga has issues with being comfortable in her setting.  Race and identity had been troubling her since child hood. Helga was outcast-ed by her black side of the family as well as her white side, Helgas mom was white and her dad was black , her father left her mom and her mother remarried to a white man,

Helga does allot of moving around trying to find a place where she fits  Helga finds that when she is around whites she misses being around blacks, and when she is around blacks she misses whites. In the beginning of the story she was a loner, Solitude seems to be her best company. Helga becomes frustrated with not being able to fit in , she is a smart young beautiful woman who struggles with identity

Feminist Manifesto

Mina Loy’s feminist manifesto was in my eyes brilliant, I love the way she describes how woman are brain washed into having self esteems , the double standard in society. A woman’s sexuality is made to depict her, if a woman sleeps around she is labeled a hore, or considered a bad woman, Woman have the right to look for love in as many places until finding the right one if she chooses. Her approach was definitely very strong and to the point, I agreed with a lot of her statements. One of the statements “leave off looking to men to find out what you are not– seek within yourselves to find out what you are”.. this is something that I can relate to our reading intimate apparel, woman who weight their value by  the men in their lives. like Esther she had so much talent and potential but her lust for love lead her to pain suffering and hurt,

Intamite Apparel

Esther is a woman with big dreams, she only hopes to become  a successful woman in life in general , in her eyes success is measured through class in society and also love. Many woman feel the need of love. Married to a perfect Stanger shows that Esther was desperate for love,  Her husband was a total different person than she imaged him to be. Esther was very naïve and foolish to believe a person can be trusted through letters.

The woman did not realize that love is not what completes them they had a lot more to offer themselves then a man. Love is an emotion which we all must feel but many woman let a man and love destroy their dreams and kill their passion for other things. intimate apparel was a great example of that.

Their new beginning is  a happy ending in my eyes because sometimes you must learn to fail in order to win, and just maybe the woman would never make the same mistakes, being taking advantage of and used in the name of “love” ,


HEy ,, Im Having a propblem finding our assinments on the cite

I am also having an issue retrieving our last reading this open lab thing is for time but I think we should take at least 15 out of class to go over the cite and learn how to use it properly im currently at the student computer room, and no one here is too great at using the open lab either.. see you guys Thursday I will let you guys know if anything changed

Proffessions for Woman

The writer in this reading was stating her opinion of woman professionals in our society. The writer explains that just because woman have more opportunity’s  in the work force, than in the past it doesn’t necessary mean that woman are actually equal to men. In her particular situation she is a writer who faces the issues of sexism in her line of work. She refers to an angel who she kills, which is the angel within herself, the angel is the conscious voice in her mind that try’s to prevent her from writing things that would not come from the idealistic  woman society tells her she should be, the angel is a warm woman who is sheltered in her home a woman with no voice or strong opinion, she had to kill the thought of this “angel of a woman” so that she can write freely without concern or shame. Woman are not allowed to think or say certain things, there’s  an invisible code of moral that has been placed upon woman since the beginning of time , being a writer is one of the best ways one can express themselves freely , the writer felt as if she could not do her job as well because of her inner woman, this angel of a woman kept getting in the way, she then had to kill her; remove the angel  out of her thoughts,  she then dosent have to feel as if her writing has  boundaries because she is a woman.

The Yellow Wall Paper

Choose three quotations from “The Yellow Wall-Paper” that present the married couple’s relationship, and explain what you understand about John as a character, and about the protagonist as a narrator for the way she depicts John.

I found that John was not a very good husband to her, he did not really concern about her condition. John seemed to be putting off her feelings. I felt as if her delusional state of mind was getting worse because they kept her in the room. IN my opinion john and his sister were actually  torturing her. In her mind John was a great loving husband, but I think in reality he treated her like a child, most times he was brushing off her dilemma. he  John referred to her as a child and a little “goose” he belittled her as a competent adult.

The narrator had a different outlook on John than I did, in my opinion John and his decision making on behalf of her, were a great part of why she could not get better. Despite John being a successful physician , he seemed to be avoiding that his wife’s mental health was deteriorating, through out the story it seemed that John was negligent. John was  he was evaluating her sickness  by her physical apreace, skin color eating habbits etc.. instead of her mental illness which was not getting any better as the reading proceeded. I can say that she loved her husband and she believed he cared for her, but he disregarded and her condition and contributed to her getting worse because he never removed her form the room were she was being haunted, in fact he made her stay there.

” There Was Once”

I love the way this reading was written. “There was once” is a great example of society and its history, the way many of us were taught to  look at life unknowingly. Many of these folk tales are told in subliminal messages, they paint a non visible picture in  our minds, evil ” stepmothers” wicked “step sisters” .. the golden “prize”; a  Prince charming; the l helpless miserable “good girl”. I have come to realize how these characters and traditional stories have manipulated the way I imagined life to be.

The second person in the reading was against  any common  cliché, I loved it. I believe that this reading opens up the minds of the reader.  We must question all that we read. We must ask our selves why a wicked step-mom; a step-mom can be loving, caring supportive and many other great things, The second voice was basically questioning the first voice, The second voice was showing that he was  tired of all the negative’s that reflected on the woman in these tales. The negative female characters in these stories  seem to have been adapted as a norm for decades.

We must question everything we read, many of these tales tells a story about ourselves and the way society has been built around these readings. Our children and grandchildren’s children will also hear these tales, we want to be able to allow them to question and shape a better world, a great way of doing so is finding the root of reason. Why ?. Could a simple fictional story actually have a secret mission?, Could the tale of Cinderella have a connection with the gap  between woman ? were woman sublimely taught not to value and care for each other?. Why is the price and marriage the happy ending, are a woman’s life  not more meaningful?, Is marriage our biggest agenda?, can it possibly be a woman’s greatest achievement?.  I think not, we must apply the tactics of the second voice in everything find the story behind the “story”.

Frida Khalo

Love Embrace

Love Embrace is a depiction of the world and the role that woman play in it . The painting displays woman as the nurturer and preserver of life, from the holding of a grown man as an infant; to the milk falling from the nipples of the woman painted in the back of Frida. Love Embarce is a painting that celebrates life love and earth all in one. In my opinion it is Genus and mysteriously simple.

“The Story of an Hour”

The very beginning of the reading began by telling us about Mrs. Mullard’s heart condition. I knew automatically that her condition will play a part though out the reading. Mrs. Mullard was portrayed as a sensible individual. I felt as if her reaction when informed about her husbands death was normal at first, I thought that maybe she wanted to be grieve alone. I now come to the conclusion that maybe she went  in the room because she didn’t want to display her true feelings of relief knowing her husband would be gone forever.

I believe that she had loved her husband and maybe the years took a toll on her very existence, The way she viewed her self in her relationship was more responsibly than love its self. As she reflected on her life she felt as if she was more of a prisoner than a willing wife. Mrs. Mullard was unable to control her emotions of joy. The reading describes her repeatedly saying the word “free” , this is concrete evidence of the way she viewed her unhappy marriage.

I  came to the conclusion that Mrs, Mullard died when finding out her husband was actually alive because, there was too many emotions spiraling at once, and her weak heart couldn’t handle so much at once. In my opinion it may be a twist of karma , maybe her husband felt same as her, maybe he will celebrate, how can one have a happy relationship with one who is not?. Maybe her death represented true freedom for Mrs. Mullard after all. Mrs. Mullard’s death could have meant everlasting freedom and peace. She had plans to finally live for herself in the coming years and a twist of fate happened, although it was not what she planed, Mrs. Mullard still gained her freedom form life as she knew it.


My Introduction


My name is Evelin Hernandez I am currently attending City College of Technology, in pursuit of a career in nursing. It has been an interesting journey. I am a single mother raising a nine year old girl. My daughters name is Jaylene Clevah Reaves. I have taken the responsibility to raise my deceased sisters two daughters. My life has been a rollercoaster due to the death of my older sister and other bumps I have faced along the road which we know as life. I decided to take this course because I admire successful woman and  I intend to write my own personal autobiography. I look forward to sharing my experiences with other woman.. I hope I can help other woman who may be going through some of the same issues I have endured.

I look forward to learning about the woman who have made history as well as shaped it. Woman have come a long way in society, we have gone from having limited rights to being able to express ourselves freely and in the open. Woman play a major role in the arts. Woman have been granted opportunity’s that were not always available. I appreciate the fact that I am living at a time were I myself can enjoy the privileges, that many others before me fought for me to have. I hope that we all learn to the best of our ability. I am happy to be your classmate I hope we can all learn from each other.

Best of wishes to you all , may you have a great semester