Feminist Manifesto

Mina Loy’s feminist manifesto was in my eyes brilliant, I love the way she describes how woman are brain washed into having self esteems , the double standard in society. A woman’s sexuality is made to depict her, if a woman sleeps around she is labeled a hore, or considered a bad woman, Woman have the right to look for love in as many places until finding the right one if she chooses. Her approach was definitely very strong and to the point, I agreed with a lot of her statements. One of the statements “leave off looking to men to find out what you are not– seek within yourselves to find out what you are”.. this is something that I can relate to our reading intimate apparel, woman who weight their value by  the men in their lives. like Esther she had so much talent and potential but her lust for love lead her to pain suffering and hurt,

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