The Yellow Wallpaper

“Personally I disagree… Personally, I believe that congenial work, with excitement and change, would do me good. But what is one to do?”. The statement shows that the married couple’s relationship lack communication. This statement shows her opinions doesn’t count when she says “what is one to do?” She has completely accepted John’s method of rest as the cure. John’s wife listen to whatever he says.

“Blessed little goose”. This is another quotation from the story that presents the married couple’s relationship. This statement shows that john treats his wife like a child. He even insist that she sleeps in the nursery. He believes her sleeping in the nursery is a way to monitor her condition at night.

“John has cautioned me not to give way to fancy”. This quotation also presents the married couple’s relationship. When she tires to tell him that his rest treatment is not working, he simply ignores her feelings. He didn’t want his wife to think much because he would loose control over her.

After reading “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman I came to an understanding that John is not only overbearing but he also ignores his wife’s opinions. Although he presents himself towards his wife as sweet and caring, he is actually a controlling person. His wife is suffering from depression but he believes it is just a “slight hysterical tendency”. His method of curing his wife actually limits her social activities as well as deny her access to things that make her happy such as writing. He orders her to stay in bed all day and do absolutely nothing. He forbids her to do any sort of work, even to write. His manipulative actions is the reason his wife feel inferior and afraid to voice her opinions.

There once was : Subliminal Messages

When I first read “There once was”, I didn’t understand what the author Margaret Atwood what trying to explain. I first initially thought the story what about society and how individuals complain for everything. I come to this conclusion because the author Margaret questions everything and finds a fault in everything . After reading the story over and over I come to an understanding that Atwood is critically analyzing the classic children’s story Cinderella.

She points out many subliminal messages that children or even adults may not look closely at. For instance she brought up the issue of weight and appearances. In the real story Cinderella beauty played a big part, the author give off the idea of being beautiful is the only way to meet Prince Charming. Atwood on the other hand questions that idea when she says “there was once a girl who was a little overweight and whose front teeth stuck out.”

Atwood points out the idea of good and bad in the story. Cinderella’s stepmother was considered a bad person. She questions what if it was her stepfather would he be considered a bad person? This criticism stuck out the most too me because as a women we are always given a negative image, whether it double standards or just trying to be as good as the guys. I agree with all of Margaret’s criticisms. Some may believe she is taking the innocents out of a classic tale but her ideas are defiantly something to think about .


Trouble heart:Story of an hour

The short story by Kate Chopin symbolizes independence. As the story starts, it states that Mrs. Mallard is suffering from a heart trouble, this foreshadows what later kills her, a heart disease of joy that kills. In my opinion I believe her heart trouble represent her unhappiness and forbidden pleasure for independence. In the story Mrs. Mallard can only experience freedom privately. After hearing that her husband as passed away, Mrs. Mallard at first weeps but then went away privately to her room.

As she look out the window of her room she saw “trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life”.Like the trees Louise was mentally excited to take on her new life without her husband who she loves “sometimes”. In there she thought silently of how her life has gradually changed in minutes. For once in her life she felt liberated and excited to make her own decisions. She sees her life as absolutely hers and her new freedom as the essence of her being, she felt “free,free,free!”.

When Louise saw the return of her husband she might of felt extremely disappointment. The joy she felt was taken away so quickly, her independence is taken away. As Chopin states at the end of the story, Mrs. Mallard dies of heart disease of joy that kills. This goes back to the beginning of the story when Chopin mention Louise have heart problems.imageimage

Introduction- Aminata


I guess I can start by saying my name is Aminata  Sesay. A very creative way to start isn’t it?  The name Aminata is of  African Senegal origin . Most individuals in North Africa are of Muslim faith and therefore tend to use Muslim, Arabic names to name there children. Aminata mean’s good character and trustworthy. I am from west Africa Sierra Leone,  (Freetown). I’ve live in Brooklyn New York all my life. I can still vividly remember coming to America for the first time hoping to witness the perfect nirvana or paradise that everyone spoke so highly of; to live the American dream. But everything was the complete opposite , from the bizarrely high buildings to ice falling out the sky.

I am fairly your topical youth adult, trying my hardest to balance school, work, family, friends and even a relationship when Mr. Right comes around.  I admit,I’m far from perfect, in fact am nowhere near.  But I’m a well rounded, quiet,fun individual that love the color green. I am really excited about this class.