About ENG 1121-D438
Professor: Jody R. Rosen
Email: jrrosen@citytech.cuny.edu
Class meetings: Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:30am-12:45pm
Student support hours: Mondays 12:45-1:45 (N520 or Zoom); Wednesdays 10:30-11:30 (N520 or Zoom); and by appointment
Course Description: An advanced course in expository essay writing that includes a required library paper. This course further develops research and documentation skills (MLA style). Demanding literary and expository readings are assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing.
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Library Information
Ursula C. Schwerin Library
New York City College of Technology, C.U.N.Y
300 Jay Street, Library Building - 4th Floor
Photo credit
Course avatar and header image from “Rainbow Bear Mural, 3rd Street, Whitefish, MT” by Warren LeMay via Flickr using the license CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED
Thanks for sharing! Do we need to set aside internal scream time in our class? I’ll add it to the agenda!
Destiny, did you add several more memes that didn’t show up in your post? If you try to add them as comments here, you can just click the image icon and find those images in our site’s media library. Thanks again for sharing them!