Prof. Rosen | ENG 1121-D438 | Spring 2024

Discussion: Introductions

Writing an Introduction

  • This semester, we will work collaboratively in ENG 1121. To get to know each other better, please add a comment (here’s some help if you need to learn how to add a comment) to this post introducing yourself to the class.
  • You could include your academic interests, why you chose your major and what your focus will be, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, what you like to cook or eat, what the furthest away you’ve ever traveled, where you like to spend time, or anything else you want to share, include your pronouns, if you wish.
  • Your introduction can include images or links as well as approximately 150 words (that’s a goal, not a requirement).

Some suggestions

  • Remember that you do not need to use your real name in this comment–if you are signed in, your display name will be autogenerated as the author of the comment, so no need to add it.
  • Also, remember that even if you don’t have an OpenLab account, you can still complete this assignment because you can still add a comment! If you haven’t been able to sign up for an account, you can still do this work by adding your comment and filling in the Name and Email fields–the name you use will show publicly, so feel free to just use your initials; your email address will only display for the course instructor.
  • As you read our introductions, feel free to add to your own if you realize something you would like to include.
  • You might think about what else you can do with this introduction. Could all or part of it be your bio for your OpenLab profile? Could you use it for your About Me page on your ePortfolio? Something else?

Some additional details

  • Get to know your classmates by reading the comments!  Do you have something in common? Did you learn something? Reply to any of your classmates’ comments.
  • Before we meet in person on Wednesday, January 31, please add your introduction and comments.

Photo credit

Hello My Name Is” by Travis Wise via Flickr under the license CC BY 2.0 DEED


  1. Julissa.A

    Hello! I’m Julissa– Julie for short.

    I go by any pronouns: She/He/They/Attack Helicopter/etc.

    Anyway, I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I’m half Hispanic and half Asian; I cannot speak or understand Spanish, but I can speak and understand Cantonese. Obviously, I’m a student here at CityTech, a freshman, and I’m majoring in Communication design to hopefully get into Graphic Design. I am, however, having trouble enjoying this major since I have a newfound love for criminal justice. I’ve been going back and forth with Graphic Design and Criminal Justice for a while now and I’m still figuring it out. 

    More about me…

    I’ve been drawing for a little over 15 years. I’m very self-taught and only recently started getting professional art advice from my high school teacher and professors here at CityTech (This partially explains why I’m struggling between Graphic design and Criminal Justice.) I also like cooking aka testing out recipes, I love tea, I love animals, but I’m allergic to everything (Including horses??), and I like to sleep… like a lot… an abnormal amount-

    • Caryn Gutierrez

      It’s great to meet you, Julissa. I also enjoy testing out recipes, animals, and sleeping. I happen to be completely Hispanic, so I do know Spanish well. Let’s get along well in this course. Have a good night. 🙂

      • Julieb33

        Ditto! Maybe you can teach me some Spanish!… Even though we are in an English class, lol

        • Jody R. Rosen

          Julieb33, I love this idea of classmates helping each other! Have you ever thought of taking a Spanish language class here at City Tech? Or of trying to learn with the help of an app? My Duolingo streak is over 1500 days, and it’s really helped me become more comfortable speaking and writing in Spanish.

        • Caryn Gutierrez

          Just saw your post. I would love to help you with your Spanish. Don’t hesitate to ask me anything, I’ll do my best to help.

    • James A.

      Hey Julissa, it’s James. I can definitely understand having to choose majors, I’m a sophomore and just decided to change myself. I came to my conclusion by wanting to be truly happy. What we value can be completely differently. But, I think happiness is one of the highest factors in determining your overall life satisfaction. Don’t fear to make a mistake, we all do eventually. I know it can be scary though. Take your time though in your decision, work at your pace. If you ever want to talk, let me know! I would be more than happy to help or just listen.

    • Jody R. Rosen

      Welcome, Julissa, and thanks for being the first to post your introduction!

      Graphic design and Criminal Justice seem like two very different fields. Know what they both have in common? NOTICING! So I hope this semester is a helpful point on the map of whichever path you take.

      Have you looked at John Jay College of Criminal Justice at all? Something you might want to consider is looking at the different majors they have to see which you might be interested in. Then you might see which general education courses (the Pathways required courses) you need for any of them, and which you need for COMD. Then you might be able to fill your schedule with courses that those majors both require. I’m guessing Intro to Psychology is one of them!

      • Julissa

        I have thought about John Jay a lot. I actually had it listed on my college application when I was still applying for college- and I got accepted! With that in mind, I know that if I wanted to change majors and schools I would be more than likely to get accepted into John Jay again.

        • Jody R. Rosen

          Sounds promising! I’d recommend talking to some current or recent John Jay students if you haven’t already!

  2. Caryn Gutierrez

    Hello everyone!! My name is Caryn Gutierrez.

    I go by the pronouns She/Her.

    I was born in an island in the Caribbean (The Dominican Republic) so I’m fully Hispanic and have been living in New York for 8+ years. I can Speak Spanish and English and I’m 20 years old. I did a semester after high school at City Tech but since I didn’t have a passion at that time, I decided to drop out until I decided. My current major is liberal Arts and sciences but I’m doing my best in hopes to get accepted for a transfer to a Nursing major. I discovered a passion for helping others, better yet if helping them to heal which led to my decision to transfer.

    I enjoy meditation, walking, reading, and recently working out at the Gym. For music, I enjoy listening to Korean R&B/Hip-hop/ballads/pop, lo-fi playlists while studying or doing house chores, and soft music. I also enjoy dancing to Reggaeton by myself and dancing to Bachata or Merengue with others. I enjoy cooking for my family and trying new recipes. I love BBQ and Flan, a dessert similar to creme brulee, which I love making. I have two pet lovebirds, but I also love dogs. I have a 1 year and 8-month-old niece who I love pampering with love and playing with. I love running under the rain when in my home country. I also love swimming in rivers and beaches. However, only in the less deep places since I’m not very good at swimming which I have plans to practice in the future. I would love to make new friends this semester so don’t hesitate to ask me about anything class related.

    Wish you all the best in the future. XOXO.

    • Jody R. Rosen

      Thanks for sharing a little bit about your college journey. I’m glad you’re back, and with a new-found focus! The nursing program is a great step toward a future of helping to heal people.

      I’m glad you mentioned meditation. Some of our work on noticing must feel familiar to you if you enjoy meditation. Please feel free to share any of your expertise–or just what you’ve noticed so far–about noticing in meditation.

  3. Ashley L

    Hi everybody

    • Jody R. Rosen

      Hi Ash!

      If you meant to write more but it got cut off, try posting the comment again.

      If you’re just saying hi for now, thanks for making this place a little friendlier!

  4. Destiny

    Hello my name is Destiny Surratt. My nickname is Des.

    My pronouns are she/her/he/him

    I am Puerto Rican. I had been to Puerto Rico twice in my life. I do know some Spanish. My major is communication design for digital art. I love to draw and watch YouTube videos. My top favorite YouTube videos is the game play of Residence Evil: Village and Shadow of Rose. They are both are really good and if I could I would have them on replay everyday. I also have a favorite anime and that is Demon Slayer, I have to catch up on it but I love Demon Slayer. I really hope to get to be friends with everyone. Hope you all have a great day

    • Jody R. Rosen

      Thanks for sharing your introduction! Do the videos help you play the game yourself, or are you enjoying watching someone else’s expert playing?

      When we talk about discourse communities, your participation in gaming and anime will be useful examples–let’s talk more about that in class.

  5. James A.

    Hello, my name is James Adesman and I’m 19. My pronouns are he/him, male.

    I guess I am still technically in Communication Design (graphic design), but I am looking to transfer to Political Science. To keep it short and brief, I believe I can better serve and be happier doing something I am passionate for. And helping people is something I am passionate for, this helps me achieve that. I do have an extended interest in history and politics (domestic and foreign).

    I would like to read more. I read mostly things that would benefit that politic mindset. But, I wouldn’t be opposed to reading a romantic novel. I have a few picked out, but I haven’t just set aside the time. I do like to watch Youtube, cook, eat said food while watching YouTube. I cook for my dog too!

    I could go on, but I think that’s enough. I don’t want to write you a whole novel. I’m willing to be anyone’s friend. So, don’t be afraid to reply or to talk to me in person. I won’t judge you, I swear. And I’ll be sitting on the left side of class probably, if you want to talk. Black hair, tan skin.

    • Jody R. Rosen

      Thanks for introducing yourself! I’m curious about your desire to switch majors–what are you interested in studying in political science? We don’t have a political science major at City Tech, so I’m curious if you plan to get your AAS in COMD and then transfer elsewhere, or if you have a different plan. I’m also wondering if there’s a minor at City Tech that would let you study political science more intensively.

  6. Jody R. Rosen

    Hi everyone! I love getting to know each of you better and seeing points of connection among students in the class so you can make connections and friendships that last all semester and beyond. I hope this helps you get to know me better, too!

    My name is Jody R. Rosen and I use she/her/hers pronouns. I usually use my middle initial (R) because there’s another Jody Rosen who writes about music and pop culture, but I’m not him! Also my middle initial is in my City Tech email address, so I think that keeps things clearer.

    I am a native New Yorker and love seeing new places and taking photographs, using skills I learned when I worked with a photography class in my first few years teaching in the FYLC program. I don’t have to travel far to enjoy seeing new things or seeing things from a different vantage point. I love photographing things that don’t always mean to be beautiful–like the lichen that grows on trees and wooden benches and rocks; flowers and plants; interesting juxtapositions or vantage points; and other things that catch my noticing eye.

    ” alt=”wooden bench slat covered with yellow and blue-grey lichen”>

    I’m one of the OpenLab co-directors and a professor in the English Department, and I have a PhD in English from the CUNY Graduate Center with a certificate in Women’s and Gender Studies. But as an undergraduate at Brown University, I double-majored in English and Biology. People used to ask me if I wanted to write science textbooks, seeing that as a way to combine my majors. I had no interest in that, but I do like using science in my creative writing, and as a metaphor in my literary and gender-studies scholarship (mostly focused on the early 20th century fiction). My research lately focuses more on teaching and learning and on open digital pedagogy and the OpenLab. I’m also expanding into researching detective fiction. That started with an interest in detective fiction set in the 1920s, but has morphed more broadly detective fiction and television with a focus on community. I’m always interested in mentoring undergraduate research projects on any of these topics.

    If you have any questions for me, want to learn more about what I do, or just want to talk, feel free to reach out to me, or reply to me here!

  7. Brandon Fuentes

    Hello everyone, my name is Brandon Fuentes and I’m a civil engineering technology student here at City Tech.

    Speaking of majors, my plan following the completion of this AAS major is to either transfer from here to another college that offers a bachelor’s degree in the field of civil engineering, or I transfer into one of the two branching BTech majors (Construction Engineering Tech./Facilities Management) recommended within the CityTech degree overview tab. Personally I believe that both are reasonable ideas, but right now I’m  more partial towards the CityTech recommendation mainly due to distance and already having an understanding as to the environment here at CityTech. Though in the end I still have some time left until I make a proper decision.

    Outside of academics, I have a hobby in cooking. Mostly at an amateur level so far only doing dishes that are easy to make and serve my basic needs as far as eating something that isn’t take-out everyday goes, but I know that if I keep practicing with different and more complex dishes, I can get to the level of a decent home cook not only for myself, but for others such as friends and family too.

  8. Filo

    Hello, everybody! I’m Filomena, but you can call me Filo. My pronouns are she/her. I’m a Hospitality Management student in my first semester at City Tech. I already have an AAS, and I hope to earn my Bachelor’s degree here. I chose this major because I’m very passionate about the Hospitality industry. Growing up in Italy, I learned the importance of creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for guests. I moved to New York two years ago, and even though I miss my country a lot, I really love it here, and this is where I see my future. When I first got here, I didn’t know anybody, but I enjoyed exploring the city by myself because there was always something new that caught my attention and made me feel excited about being in such a unique place. I think this is what made me fall in love with New York – the way it made me feel from day one. I enjoy discovering new places, traveling, reading, and spending time with my friends. Since English is not my first language, I’m looking forward to learning more and more, and I’m ready for the challenges this class will make me overcome. Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you in class!

  9. Erika Juarez

    My name is Erika and I am in the communication design major. I think my major is fine, I joined it because I do have an interest in art and want to expand my skills. In my free time I like to listen to rock and alternative music as well as play video games. I only play Stardew Valley, League of Legend and Overwatch. I also have animal crossing but I haven’t visited my island in months. I have a cat named Coco and we usually chase each other around and play fight. Something that I also have an interest in is food and traveling. I usually watch videos on youtube of people going on cruises, planes, or even train travel. Or go from country to country trying different foods, learning about culture, and showcasing hidden gems. I think it is a bit odd I watch so many food videos especially since I’m a picky eater, I think I like the fact how people can eat stuff with no fear and just willing to try it out once. Last thing I want to mention are the shows I like to watch. I usually go for comedy shows like parks and rec, the office, the good place, what we do in the shadows, or abbott elementary. I have to find new stuff to watch however so I’m thinking I’ll be watching more anime, reality show, and movies this year.

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