I hope you had a chance to rest a little with the holiday on Monday, and that you also had time in the week since we met to work on your drafts of Project 1.

In class on Thursday, 2/23, we’re going to be reviewing our drafts and offering each other feedback. To make this work, please share your draft on our OpenLab site. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Add a new post on our site. If you’re not sure how, read these helpful instructions about how to write a post.
  • Add a title where it tells you to
  • Copy and paste your draft into the place where it says Type/choose a block.
  • Choose the category Project 1 Work. If you’re not sure how, read these helpful instructions about how to choose a category.
  • If you’re not ready to share your work with anyone but me, you can make your post private–follow the instructions in the first link above.
  • If you’re reading this and you don’t have a draft, don’t panic! Add whatever you have to your post. And remember, it’s okay to have a sh!tty first draft!
    • but seriously, if you’re staring at a blank screen, just start writing. Or drawing, or talking to yourself with dictation on to capture your thoughts.
    • anything you can bring to class will help me help you get further with your draft.
  • If you’re reading this and you have some of a draft, that’s great! We’ll talk about what happens in the next round of drafting so you can get to a more complete draft.
  • If you’re reading this and you have a full draft, congratulations! Now get ready to rethink it, to see where you make your points and what was there just to get you to those good ideas.

See you in class in the morning!