Architecture and Environmental sustainability is a huge topic to speak about. Architecture and environmental sustainability is important because it increases the energy of both the buildings and it also helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Another reason architecture and environmental sustainability is important is because of how architecture can reduce waste through materials backed upon both recyclability and waste. There are both advantages and disadvantages regarding architecture and environmental sustainability, such as reducing the environmental impacts, improving the indoor air qualities indoor, community impacts concerning the walking abilities, the access to the amount of green spaces. Some disadvantages of architecture and environmental sustainability is the limited material availability, the aesthetic concerns and the higher upfront cost.
Advantages :
- Improving air quality : Improving air quality is one positive aspect regarding architecture and environmental sustainability is that it can improve the air quality with green installations that filter pollution.
- Improving water quality : Water qualities can also get improved such as collecting and reusing water from sources rather than the traditional water supply.
- Reducing energy consumption is another positive aspect because sustainability architecture uses energy efficient strategies, this strategy maximizes both natural light and also ventilation.
- Wellness benefits : The wellness benefits are green spaces, these spaces create areas for exercises which improves mental health, respiration, cardiovascular and muscular strength.
- Improving indoor environments : The last advantage regarding architecture and environmental sustainability is improving indoor environments; this plays a role in improving the air quality. Improving indoor environments creates healthier living spaces.
Disadvantages :
- Natural disasters : Natural disasters play a main role in the architecture industry such as buildings, houses, etc . The buildings are major contributors to climate related natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and fires.
- Energy supplies : Energy supplies are another disadvantage because solar power can be impacted by weather changes. For example due to the rain the power can run out.
- Sustainable materials : The availability of materials is another negative: sustainable materials may be limited in availability and only available in certain regions.
- Cost : The last disadvantage due to the Sustainable buildings can be more expensive to construct and operate due to the use of more expensive materials and technologies.
In conclusion, although the architecture industry has plenty of disadvantages there’s also some advantages as well. I reviewed the different kinds of negatives and positives regarding both Architecture and environmental sustainability.
Dear Sapphire,
In Project 3, you created a listicle about the positives and negatives of architecture and environmental sustainability. You have several sub-points for each, and you have clearly used information from your research in creating this listicle.
I don’t see Part 2 of Project 3. Please review the Project 3 instructions so you can draft it and add it to your post. I hope these suggestions help you revise your listicle and complete the second part of Project 3:
We can talk in my office (N520) anytime after 11:00am on Wednesday if you want, or in class. You can take class time to work through some of these updates.
I enjoyed learning more about the interaction of environmental sustainability and the field of architecture, and hope you did as well. I look forward to reading your completed project.
Prof. Rosen