Unit 3 Weekly Assignments Weekly Writing


In my Unit #2 assignment I decided to write about technology. I believe technology is a big problem in our world today being that there is so much of it and it continues to advance. If we think about it we use it everyday for many purposes, but it’s a good resource. Even I use it on a daily for school or to even look up a match on ESPN. People will ask but why talk about Technology ? if there is many things to talk about. Many of us don’t realize how addictive we’re are to this cellular devices. What I will give my audience are images of actual information on how effective it can be this will beneficial because it gives you a visual information on my topic, people will get bored of me just explaining so it will keep them entertained. I will talk about my experience during this pandemic we all learned something new or caught habits either bad or good, this will help my readers engage with my writing giving them a better understanding of it as well as many possibly relating to it.

Discussions Unit 1 Weekly Assignments Weekly Writing


Life can always change, you just have to adjust by one of the greatest rappers of the decade Drake. Education can bring many problems into someone’s life from social to academic and race. Coming from a Latino background of parents who weren’t able to achieve many things back home, they came here so I can achieve everything they didn’t. It eventually built me into a better person. 

There are many challenges Latino face in our world today one being those who are privileged have power over us. Not being as fortunate as many other kids who were given everything to them. Throughout my middle school years, it was hard attempting to be like other kids at my school not having the same educational support at school as other students would be given. Needing to find ways to get them. Teachers would tend to pick on me not so I can participate. I would see how teachers would give so much assistance to my classmates. I would be confused. I had to find another teacher from the same department to get the help I thought maybe because I was not good at the subject, I came to the realization that it was more than that it had to do with race.

Choosing the right group of friends played a huge factor in my education. I did not have the appropriate friends who wanted to see the best of me but encouraged me to do bad things to please them or others. To have to do it to fit in with other groups or be that “cool” kid at school. I accidentally shot a teacher with a friend’s B-B gun in the last week of school. We were not the best class. We were known to be troublemakers. I did it because I was encouraged. I know no one forces you to do anything I wanted to fit in. To be that kid who would not be scared to do anything was over I had thought it to become a big issue since anything that could harm a student or a staff was not allowed. The police were called up; they held every student around me and investigated who brought the gun in. All Parents were called since it was the last week of school nothing much was done. I realized who truly are your friends, the kid who came to school with the gun not stepping up and admitting it was his gun although I had pulled the trigger. Overall telling myself What if it were another scenario of me getting caught in the moment no one stepping in for me? I had to face the consequences on my own. 

To come from an immigrant parent who came to this country to give me a better life wasn’t easy. They had to put food on our table and a roof over our head came with struggles. Not many can imagine how hard it can be not to have the economic support my parents did not get during that time. Being so blind as a young kid when you would ask for everything but not realizing if your parents had the money for it. I faced racism throughout my school years. There was a point in my life I didn’t want to go to school not because I was scared but I was over it. I eventually would find it funny and joke along with them to keep it going so i would stop getting bothered. 

Growing up somewhere you think you don’t belong can be very encouraging for someone to succeed. Believing that you can be like others or even better is motivating. Teachers will differentiate you by your race which can come  with struggles. Many student’s voices are not heard because they’re seen less or many are scared to speak up. Negativity can be turned into positivity; you just have to adjust to it. 


Announcements Discussions Weekly Assignments Weekly Writing

“Shitty First Drafts”

Reading “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott I noticed it took her 3 steps to write one piece because all good writers write them. Step one write a first draft pouring your mind that was extremely long like how a child would write. Step two was going back and briefly going through it with a colored pen to fix anything that didn’t belong or ways on how she can improve which ended up her writing her second draft. Lastly was going over it just one more time to fix any little errors she could’ve missed and then publish it. I think these steps are great ways in becoming a good writer because it takes practice you can fail many times but you will eventually create a good piece.

My views on my writing have changed a bit I haven’t really used her method in writing 3 drafts. I was advised to but I never took it into consideration. Many can say it’s a waste of time but if we think about it, it can be very useful if you want to give in a good piece of work. Using a highlighter or a colored pen will be something I will be using from now on its efficient.