Unit 2

“Liking is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts.”

Liking is a limited feeling that only focuses on the joys of something and will eventually fade over time. Love can be seen as an action that’s about wanting to identify the good and the bad in something and to empathize with it. Due to how the term “like” and “Love” is used, it creates this misconception which leads to people often searching for the wrong thing. This is essentially what Jonathan Franzen is pointing out in the article “Liking is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts.” In this article, Franzen identifies liking as this short-lived infatuation he gets when he receives a new phone but then eventually tosses it for a newer one down the line. Franzen identifies love as feeling of empathy that derives from the heart’s revelation that another person as real as you are. Franzen also states, to paraphrase, social media creates this idea that liking is an action one can make. Some people tend to fabricate a false image of themselves to seek validation and to be more likable. This statement implies that the idea of liking from a social media standpoint can lead a fake life. I agree Franzen’s concept of like vs love. Liking is only temporary while love is stronger and ever lasting. My relationship with my phone and the internet is rather odd. I don’t have the want to buy the latest devices as long as the one I have works fine, however, when it comes to social media, I do get concerned. I find myself getting lost in it for hours surfing around and finding different posts I like. Also, although I don’t post anymore, when I did I found myself constantly checking to see the amount of likes I get. I try not to get so roped into social media now but the idea of people being interested in what I have to say use to make me feel somewhat powerful. I realize that those feelings are unnecessary for me and so I try move past them, however there are times where they show up again.

Unit 2

”Liking is for Coward. Go for What Hurts.”

the essay that Jonathan Franzen wrote he meant that liking something and loving something are different concept of understanding of feelings. I agree with the writer that such things are meant to be different from each other. the author words about technology with his blackberry phone as there are new phones coming out in 2 or 3 years. as a phone its a like but not something you love which is repeating the same cycle buying a new phone. but the author stated with love you will find a truth path and follow your purpose which you will become  fulfilled as a person. well I’m not concerned about distracting myself with owing a phone and other technology. I have a purpose of being successful in life and its my purpose to fulfilled and make it happen.

Unit 2

” Liking is for cowards. Go for what hurts. “

In the essay ” Liking is for cowards. Go for what hurts. ” by Jonathan Franzen, he talks about the concept between like vs love. I agree with him on the concept of like such as in a technology device compared to that of something you really have an obsession and love for. The difference between like and love short lived compared to love which is something is forever lasting even when your’e no longer on planet earth. The author talked about liking his blackberry phone but when a new device would come out 2 to 3 years after he would be hard pressed to go out in buy the new device. The author seemed so sick of this cycle and realized he did not love his device like he thought he did, searched out for something more meaningful. That something more meaningful (love) was birdwatching. The author states that when your on the path of love you’ll find your true purpose then become fulfilled, simply finding out the true meaning of life. I do not feel concerned about any technology or smart device because I’am in my purpose. I’am doing what I’m set out to do thats why i can limit the distraction that would come along with owning a smart device and/or social media. Also, I feel if a person self reflects and finds a balance in what their doing then theres no issue with anything. Possessing knowledge is key because anyone could know not to fall in love with anything that is or would be temporary plus have no real value unlike giving back from your heart to your community.