Unit 1

Unit 1 Final Essay – Adam Ibrahim

An idea of education for me is when you become a successful person with learning new things and having a diploma. You have some teachers who would help you become a better learner and some who wouldn’t care if you pass or not. There are some people that are self taught. The particular reason is that some say “self-study allows students to take learning at their own pace”. This demonstrates education is for everyone but teachers make it harder for students to learn and enjoy. It impacted me differently teaching new stuff and overcoming hard decision and life choices. 

I had a teacher who was willing to stay with me after class to improve my writing. The situation was that I just moved to the United States and I never wrote an essay. I had to be specific with my writing and including details in my first ever essay. Throughout class I was confused and my classmate started writing. The struggles were writing without expanding or explaining my details. I had that one teacher who would help me with the writing and signed me up with an after school program to improve my writing skills. which I joined a after school program to improve my writing. 

Another way education has changed my life with thinking about our life situations such as how to deal with money. As teachers always say you must be prepared for the outside world with real life situations. for the rest of my education year I begun to follow this routine and on my way to becoming a top student. I stayed up the late hours when I was home doing homework, making sure I was asking for help. staying around teachers who I knew would keep me in check and always make sure that I was doing good. I began to see my grades excel in most areas and it was a great feeling.

Having a great education throughout your years is great for building a good education builds up a person identity. with having difficult obstacles facing in school but we a well developed education having a great long you are are set a high standards and goals for yourself you are bound to success and to overcome any challenge in the way.

In Conclusion To sum up everything that has been stated, my experience with education and other students like me that are self taught; everyone struggles at one point. But we still learn and what we learn we use in real life situations. Overall I have accomplished a lot such as improving my writing.

Unit 1

Jayla Cintron- Unit 1 Final Essay

Essay 1 Final Draft

Unit 1

Final Draft

“There is no end to education,” and “Learning is a Lifelong Process” are quotes that I appreciate more over time. As of recently, I’ve been developing interests in different hobbies outside of my field of study. While learning about these hobbies I realize the value of these quotes and the mindset behind them. Education goes beyond school. It is equally as important to educate yourself outside of class than it is inside of class. Even if it’s something not as significant like watching a youtube video, reading small articles, or just picking up on certain trends, regardless you are teaching yourself about that topic. I find this valuable because you gain additional knowledge on the subject. This compliments learning in class because you can make connections and tie loose information you may not have realized before. It will also deepen your overall understanding and propel you as a learner not only in school but in life.

Growing up I haven’t always been the most focused child. I didn’t dislike education, games and TV were just constantly on my mind. That being said, I wasn’t always conscious of these ideas or how effective it was to study on my own. However there were times where I would go out my way to learn more about a topic that really interested me. During my elementary school years, I had a self revelation that I could draw pretty well and so I chose to pursue art. My school at the time didn’t have any art classes or programs so I decided to learn more on my own. I began by searching for “how to draw…” videos. Those videos turned into “drawing tips and techniques” and then “helpful drawing exercises”. I would find myself drawing all the time in class and at home. I would draw the characters I watch on TV or that I played with in my video games. I decided that I wanted to go to a school majoring in fine arts. Once I enrolled, I quickly found myself at home. Having an instructor put me in a more clear direction with my art. However, I also realized that some of what I learned and practiced on my own were being taught in lessons. I felt like I was learning at a greater rate because certain information taught in class were things I knew and were being expanded on. Having those habits of practicing, studying, just overall experiencing these methods propelled my learning and made me a better artist.

Leading into high school, I was more focused on being social. I stirred away from education and more into hanging out and goofing off. Even in these times I found the value in the quotes. Something everyday like communication I found myself expressing these very ideas. Growing up, it use to be difficult for me to articulate my thoughts or express me feelings. However, over time, as I got to meet people and experience different personalities, I got a better understanding of how to communicate. Schools sometimes teach communication when saying “Say you respectfully disagree” in a debate, or “Make sure to ask politely” when you need help, however, it goes deeper than that. It taught me to be observant and to study how people react in different situations as well as how I act. This is important because I can better understand what I want and how to appropriately portray that to who I speak to. Whether it is my professor when teaching a lesson, cooperating with my peers on a group project, or connecting with a supervisor at my job. As a result, me learning to better communicate still helped me grow as a person and as a learner even though I was struggling as a student.

In conclusion, education goes beyond what a student learns in class. Education is extracting lessons gathered in life and applying that to anything they do. Coming to this realization, quotes like “There is no end to education,” or “Learning is a Lifelong Process” have become a concept that I now live by. As for my hobbies, not only will I continue to learn more, but learning more will continue to be a hobby.