Announcements Weekly Assignments

Week 11: 4/12-16 – Writing Week!


As I mentioned in my email, this week is a week to focus on your Reflective Annotated Bibliographies as they take their final shape.


Your feedback is due on your Peer Review Partners by Friday 4/16 @ 5 PM. Before then, I’ll be posting my feedback as a comment on your rough draft as well.

Instead of Zoom class/reading discussion this week, I’d like to engage your brains in some micro-reflection as you’re in the midst of your revision. Please post a response (at least 350 words) to this prompt by Wednesday @ 5PM:

In the process of coming up with a Research Question, then turning that into a working thesis statement and then building a draft around that, what has caused you difficulty? Was it a worthwhile challenge? How did you overcome/get around that sticking point? How could you avoid that trouble in future assignments?

Announcements Unit 2

For Monday 4/5: Draft of Unit 2 Research Question & 3 Preliminary Sources

Happy Spring Break! I hope you’re all taking this week to relax and spend time with family and outside. I also don’t want you to lose sight of our work in this course, which is almost 2/3 over!

To that end, I wanted to just reach out and remind everyone that you have work due for Monday 4/5, which is the draft of your Research Question and 3 preliminary sources for your Unit 2 Assignment, the Reflective Annotated Bibliography. If you haven’t yet (somehow) read the assignment page, please do so ASAP. If you have and still have questions, please reach out to me via email ASAP.

Regardless, you must submit your draft of the Research Question + 3 preliminary sources by Monday 4/5 @ 4 PM, before our Zoom class meeting. At this point in the semester, things start to move a little more quickly so it’s important to stay in touch with me and don’t fall behind!

-Professor Reichert

Announcements Unit 2

Video – Unit 2 Explainer!


Here’s a video that goes into deeper detail about the Reflective Annotated Bibliography. I recorded this last semester, but it’s about the same assignment and almost everything that I explain here is applicable to this semester’s version of the assignment. I just wanted to give you a bit more insight into what you’re going to do.

Important differences (all of which are accurate on the assignment page):

  • You’re required to use three sources, not the four/five I mention in the video, and each annotation should be 400 words.
  • With the intro + conclusion, that brings the total word count to ~1900 words. That sounds like a big number – trust me, you’ll have plenty to say about each source and I’ll be advising you along the way.
  • Due dates:
    • Mon. 4/5: Research Question/3 preliminary sources
    • Fri. 4/9: Rough Drafts
    • Wed. 4/14: Peer Review Session
    • Fri. 4/16: Final Drafts