
“Shitty First Drafts” Adam Ibrahim

After reading the article “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott, how she explains writing isn’t easy as it seems. The method she talks about is to write a first draft containing ideas and shape the ideas into one. I had been thinking about using next time when Im writing an essay. So writing is easy but coming up with an ideal story to write about and being interesting to be well developed to have patience. With your writing it might be stressful but just take time with it whether you make mistakes which you as a writer could learn from. 


“How to Read Like a Writer” Adam Ibrahim

the quote by Mike Bunn “You are already an author.” people have the ability to become a writer. becoming an author isn’t difficult writing is all about coming up with ideas. Mike Bunn talks about the essay a short quote from Barack Obama by asking questions as a writer. after reading the article made me think of question technique for getting better at writing. I will keep that in mind when writing essays that’s the thing I noticed in the Mike Bunn article.


Intro- Adam Ibrahim

I’m feeling a little worried about taking this course online is so frustrating. The first semester was confusing and had me worried. Taking online courses again this semester hopefully aren’t that hard but I’m determined to try my best and pass this class. To achieve that is by being responsible, handing in work on time and attending the zoom meeting and Learning new writing strategies. Cane River Lake - Wikipedia

the reason I chose this image its so peaceful and makes me happy and calm.