
” Shitty First Drafts “

The author Annie Lamott uses a process that consist of 3 drafts to complete any of her writings. The process would start by step 1. down draft, which was simply getting something, anything, down on paper. Step 2. up draft, where you try to say what you have to say more accurately, basically fixing or touching up that needs touching or fixing up. Step 3. dental draft, is where you check every tooth, to see if its loose or cramped or decayed, or even healthy. The final step is where you check to see if anything needs revision from grammar, pronunciation or structure of the writing.

After reading ” Shitty First Draft ” i noticed i shared the same writing process as the author. Whenever i have to write, whether it being music or am writing assignment i wrote a couple drafts before i was ever was done with it. I would go through the same agony the author endured with getting started. But something i. realized is once i put something on paper i found a good groove and i was able to revise some then complete my work.

I can honestly say i already borrow some if not all of the author writing process. Therefore, i really don’t need to add any of the author writing process to mine because i feel i do everything she does from writing drafts to revision then writing a finale piece.

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