Unit 3

Artist Statement

I was just laying in bed thinking to myself, “man I really don’t want to think about this project”, in fact I didn’t even have a clue on what my topic was going to be. So I just started watching tv and it was a Friday and I had just gotten out of biology class. I deserved the break honestly, I had to sit there for the whole day listening to my teacher talk about sodium ion pumps and these different active transports. So anyways a new falcon and the winter soldier episode came out and I decided to watch that. Little did I know, that episode would have a huge influence on the topic I would choose. In the episode I saw, they discussed how there were other super soldiers before Steve Rodgers and those super soldiers were black. The main black soldier was named Isaiah Bradley who also fought against nazis during World War Two. Instead of getting rewarded for his actions, Isaiah Bradley was thrown in jail and experimented on for years to the point that he never got to see his family and they all passed away. This episode reminded me of what happened to people of color in real life when they returned home from a war. They didn’t receive any recognition for fighting or any medals and were overshadowed by white soldiers. They also refused to put people of color on tv or talk about them in a positive way In public. Then I thought about how people fought for their rights which put an end to discrimination and it eventually segregation. These real life and fictional events from the show influenced what topic question I was going to choose, how diversity has changed over the years and what impact did it have on minorities? I knew that now that I had my research question I had to think about who I wanted to write this to. I decided this bibliography was mainly directed towards minorities because I figured that if they knew how drastically our past has changed then they would know that nothing is impossible and unity can be achieved. I also wanted them to know that it’s ok to feel more comfortable around people that share your same race and culture. When writing this bibliography I had hoped that my piece would be shown in schools more specifically high schools because I feel that’s the perfect environment to give minorities a voice. In my bibliography I started looking for things that I know would interest or pull the audience in. I wanted my audience to feel emotionally connected (pathos) to the bibliography while also leaving them with true facts (logos) that happened so they can see the truth. After I decided what kind of appeal I would use to bring in the audience, I started to choose the types of genres as well. I chose to include my personal story growing up about not having a lot of black heroes as a kid and another person’s story who learned that diversity makes for a better work environment for him because I wanted my audience to be able to connect with me as an author. I wanted them to know that I struggled with the same feelings that they did. I chose to include a historical document because I wanted my audience to see how diversity and different viewpoints have changed. This was the best choice for them because it provided information in a non biased way. For my audience I chose the blog style because I thought it was interesting for them to see that diversity isn’t just beneficial to people. This was the best way to provide quick information without them getting bored. they might’ve even learned a new word called ‘groupthink”. earlier I mentioned how I got the idea of my topic question, now I will take you through my writing process. First I just couldn’t get that falcon and winter soldier episode out of my head so I knew I was gonna lead with it, especially to get people in school interested in what was in my bibliography. Next I mentioned some things about what happened in the past to people of color so they know that it’s gonna get serious. I also threw in my own personal account because I feel that personal stories are more interesting. I started to think what do I want to lead off with first? I don’t know why but I led off with the most boring part of my essay, the historical document. Then that’s when In the second paragraph I threw in my story and Juan’s story because I felt it blended well and it was something to pull the readers back in after that first boring paragraph. while looking for what I was gonna include in my third paragraph I came across a weird lady who wrote like a blog style post and I found it really interesting so I decided that what my third paragraph was gonna be about. I believed it would have students thinking outside the box. Things I felt that went really well were how I was able to make an interesting topic sentence and find inspiration for my topic question. I also think my story and Juan’s story went really well when it came to building a connection with the audience. I feel my first paragraph should have been the second paragraph because I think it messed up the flow. when I created my final draft of my bibliography, I realized that it was missing opposite viewpoints and my opinion on those opposite viewpoints so I included those things that originally wasn’t in my rough draft. altogether looking at my bibliography I think it turned out pretty alright for a college student who never wrote a bibliography in his life. I think it turned out alright because I’m just really proud of how I drew inspiration from a show and made a whole research question off of that. It also went well because it got my point across that diversity has changed for the better and it impacted minorities in a positive way. If I had more resources and money I would definitely pay for a personal editor just so he can give me better ideas but I would also search for better research links if I had more time. in all honesty I don’t think money would change my writing process that much, I would mainly use it to try and get my bibliography out in the public through advertising. writing this whole thing was pretty hard for me, just because of how time consuming it was and I had to think a lot about how I wanted to approach this. Having this as a college project wasn’t as bad as I thought. Once you get into the flow of it, it gets easier. In the future I definitely will draw inspiration from the things that were around me again.

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