Unit 1

Rough Draft

“You’re closer to where you’re trying to get, then where you started. So you gotta keep going” Wise words from the fallen legend Nipsey Hussle. This quote specifically relates to my anecdote of my educational career. The education system is supposed to help you find your journey to success by finding what you love and making that into a professional career. Parents play a big factor on forcing kids to be what they want their kids to be. For example any parent wants their kid to grow up to be an Engineer, Doctor, or a policeman but the reality is kids need to figure that out on their own. The process of figuring yourself out comes with a lot of failure, doubts, and a lot of challenges. As a kid it is normal to make mistakes but as long as you learn from it. Many schools stick with the basic Math, English, Science, Gym classes that’s great and all but what about the kids that want to be an animator or that one kid that wants to be an architect. There’s a lot more classes that are as important as a science class or gym.


As a kid I didn’t like school, if it was up to me I would have only gone if I felt like it. For my parents it was the most important thing for me so I went everyday and never missed a day. So my mindset as a kid in middle school was that school isn’t for me, I’m just attending because of my parents. School also never gave me resources to really find myself and where I fit in. During 6th grade i was really into drawing, I would always doodle on my assignment, when we had some free time during class I would use that time to draw whatever. Since my schools never had an art class or club I gave up on the idea that I’m going to be an artist when I’m older and focused on something else. Around 8th grade I was basically trying to pass all my classes with just enough I was just trying to get through 8th grade and enroll myself in a high school as soon as possible. Lets just say i was sick of my middle school and was ready for something new. 


Going into high school, I felt like I knew what I wanted and overall excited to start fresh in a new school. Freshman year went by very quickly, my first intentions in high school was to make friends, I Didn’t wanna finish high school and have no good memories to look back to. Once I was a junior, school got way more serious which made me get serious about the things I do in school from now on for the reason being that college was just around the corner. This pushed me more to find what I like to do and how I can make it into a living after college. It wasn’t easy for me at first, I couldn’t wake up one day and have my future all planned out but with a lot of resources and processes I’ve gotten closer to where I wanna be. Having to go to many college houses, going to actual colleges to visit campus, doing research about many colleges and what majors they provide, these were all the resources I needed to get me one step closer to finding myself.

In conclusion, in order to find your true purpose in school or life you will need a lot of self investment and go through many challenges that shape you to be better. This can be achieved without the opinions of other,  especially if it’s from your parents because the only person that can decide your future is yourself.


1 reply on “Rough Draft”

After reading your draft, I was a bit confused as to what the topic and thesis statement were, as the essay was mainly centered around the issues you were having as a result of not liking school, rather than focusing on whether or not the school helped in guiding you on the right pathway to success. You then mentioned that you were merely going to school because your parents wanted you to go. I believe you could provided stronger points as to why the educational system should help students on their journey to success while also doing what they love.

I got the impression that you were trying to convey that schools should offer more programs that are centered around arts, craft and other specialty, rather than only focusing on general courses such as Math and English. With that being said, I would have said something like this: “The educational system should center its focus on other forms of creativity and academics such as arts or music, rather than the general core Math, English or Science courses they offer.” 

After making your statement, you would then provide examples as to why you made that statement and as such, provide supporting documents to your claim.  For example I would say “Not every child is an academia. Some are very good technical learners, others are some of the finest in arts and craft while others in music.” I would also mention some of the benefits of being artistic or how these type of courses could also lead to varies successful careers. The use of statistics could also be used as a supporting document to this claim as well.

From here you could list the challenges you had with education being that you were forced to learn the general courses they taught in school that you really didn’t enjoy doing then later having to push what you actually loved aside. You could also mention other stories from friends or family as other examples of supporting your claim. 

You could say how you transitioned from not liking school to adapting and why it was necessary for you to adjust to the educational system. Additionally you could mention the implications this had on you since your school didn’t offer the courses you were passionate about.

In closing, I would restate the thesis statement and the reason to reinforce the claim I made.

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