Unit 1

Rough Draft

Education, It’s the prime subject that everyone goes through and achieves in life. But throughout my life, I have experienced lots of educational moments. Such as becoming a better writing, a better thinker, and obtaining better social skills in life. These are things that I have identified in my life that have helped me in school and my social skills with others.
The first moments in helping me become a better writer was when I entered high school. When I was in high school I had IEP(This program allowed me access to more teachers to help me and extra times on testing) and without this program I wouldn’t have dealt with my writing struggles. Some examples of my struggles were writing a thought without completing the sentences or ideas on the paper. Overall those educational moments in high school with my teachers assigning essays to me has helped my writing skills a lot. Even though I had to go through these struggles they weren’t easy to accomplish. As every time I had to do a draft for my teachers I would be embarrassed, as they would seriously look disappointed and become upset about my work. Even with reading out loud it made it very difficult because my teachers just made me feel like there was something really wrong with me. Although It has made me self conscious about my work, at least now I understand that reviewing my work and editing is a very important thing. Also preparation for anything that I do as embarrassment in a classroom by a teacher wasn’t the best thing to experience but an effective way to learn as fear of embarrassment pushed me to writing better essays. Overall these experiences I have dealt taught me to focus and determine myself into my work. As from personally people really hate it when it comes to reading uncompleted essays/writing material.
The second way education has changed my life was by making me a better thinker. As now that I have experienced many situations and learned from them, I have become a overthinker who has over simplified things and situations in my current day to day life. Such as if I obtain 5000 dollars, I would say to myself, How would I use this, should I spend it, should I find the person it belongs to, How do I spend the money without losing everything on useless items? All these ideas were created from my previous experiences in education as when I applied anything in my writer I would carelessly write whatever onto a piece of paper and just accept it as it was. But with the struggles of overviewing and thinking of many new ways of expressing ideas, It has granted me a skill of becoming a overthinker. To say the least, from all the time of practicing in high school on essays and tests it has prepared me to use all the information provided and really think over things from another perspective without causing trouble or making me do a seriously stupid mistake that I would regret. Overall without this ability of overthinking and analyzing situations I don’t I would have become the person I am today. As I heavily go with Logic and overthinking as that is how I was taught to be.
Lastly the ways education has impacted myself was in improving my social skills immensely. As before when I was in elementary school I wasn’t always the best kid to hang out with. As in this time I can recall that my thinking process and patience levels to connecting with others weren’t the best. As I tended to draw others away with my lack of patience. From before and now I can say to myself that education has improved that feature in my life. Now I understand the basic skills in starting and continuing conversations and knowing the things not to say and things to say to certain people, due to how before I never really had a filter with others. Others may call it brutal honesty but to me back then I thought honestly was the only way to speak to others, no matter what it may be. At the end of it without education this bad feature of mine would have never been resolved and I wouldn’t have become the person I was today.
In conclusion with all these issues I’ve experienced in education and school, it has shown me that not everyone can be perfect, but we can inspire ourselves to become a better version of ourselves over time. Although it took me 18 years of practice I can definitely say that without education and school, these problems would have never been fixed and I wouldn’t have become the person I am today with education. Furthermore with this in mind do you as the reader appreciate education more or less?

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