Unit 1


One anecdote that comes to mind when thinking about my education experience is my entire senior year of high school. I was always a good student academically I maintained a B average for majority of what was my senior year. I was not the type of student who studied for every test, handed in their work on time 24/7 but at the end of the day my work was always completed and turned in to the best of my ability. My  biggest issue in high school especially my senior year was time management & procrastination. I had a lot to handle between working my first job and also being a full-time student. My parents both had high expectations when it came to my grades and of course I tried everything I could to make sure my average was at least a B. There were times were I would just give up and not turn in anything because I was under so much stress at the time and there was deadlines for everything and I could not meet them so as a result I gave up. Around this time the college process was beginning and there were plenty of times where I almost missed the deadline for applications and those were the times where I felt the most down because even though I had a lot of acceptances, I felt like it wasn’t enough because I wanted to have a variety of options to choose from. With that being said, to get over this issue I had a group of friends and some mentors within my school to help me plan my time wisely, and make sure my work was actually done. This helped me greatly because now that I am in college I work way better with my time management and my procrastination now. I set schedules for myself to keep up with my work.

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