Unit 1


There are a few anecdotes that come to mind in regards to my education. One in particular is during my freshmen year of high school, which was a roller coaster of a year for me. Prior to starting high school, I was always a studious person, with a passion for reading and writing.  I always made sure to complete my homework on time and study whenever a test came up. However, when I entered high school I was no longer the girl who’d stay up all night studying for an exam. I started to lose interest and focus in school. Procrastination became normal for me which lead to my grades dropping. I knew I had the potential to excel in my classes, but I didn’t have the motivation. I got a wake up call, when I failed one of my favorite subjects, english , at the end of the first semester. When I found out that I failed, I recalled hiding my report card from my mother not only because she would question my grades, but because I knew how important education was to her. As a young woman growing up in Senegal she didn’t have the opportunity to complete high school. So she would never understand why someone like me who had access to free a public education would fail her classes.

Instead of being accountable for my  actions, I  blamed my teacher for my failure because she was a  “harsh” grader. Fast forward to my  second semester when my  English teacher gave students a chance to make up any missing work in order to get a passing grade in the course. At my school English was a requirement and if you failed all marking periods especially the third, then you’ll have to attend summer school. I didn’t want to attend summer school, so I attempted to put in the effort and make up all of the missing assignments. However, I started to procrastinate again. By the end of my last semester, although I  felt it in my gut that I would end up on summer school, when the teacher confirmed it, tears started rolling down my face. I felt like a failure. I remember pleading with my guidance counselor and teacher to give me a chance, but  it was too late.I ended up going to summer school. During summer school, that’s when I decided to turn my actions around. I made a promise to myself that I would never fail a class. By the end of the summer course I got a 95 in my English class. Although I hated taking summer courses as well as my  mother’s constant nagging, going was actually one of the best things that’s ever happen to me.  It taught me about a great lesson about accountability. In addition it helped realized if I focused, put in effort and completed my work on time then the results will be great. Also, I thought about how everything you’re doing in the present moment can affect your future. For example, my goal was to graduate high school successfully, so I made a promise to work hard and take my school work seriously and I ended up graduating on time and getting better grades.

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