Weekly Assignments

” Mother Tongue And Genre “

The genre i interact with the most would be a sports novel and/or a sports non-fiction autobiography. Sports has always been a love and hobby of mine since a kid. I grew up as a kid wanting to become a professional athlete in the NBA. While playing sports i gained experience with competition, camaraderie and teamwork which influenced my passion heavily. As an adult i find time to read up on any sport i’m interested at the time or learn more about a particular sport or learn more about a favorite player. I make sure to do so being that i never made it professionally as an athlete, it keeps me apart of the game in a sense. Sports non-fiction is written about a sport or a combination of a sport and a story based on true events. Also, they’re written in a professional tone and language. A sports novel is about a character based sports story. Sports novel are usually written to inspire also evoke emotion in the reader. Sports novel are professionally written in a more serious tone yet can still contain some humor. A ” Mother Tongue ” by Amy Tan is a non-fiction genre about a young girl who recognized her own mothers limited language. Amy was inspired by that short coming and became fascinated with language which odd to her peers because normally asians are pushed to more math or science. What makes my chosen genre the genre it is because of the real life events and information it provides about a particular sport one wants to read up on.

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