Unit 2

Rough Draft – Bibliography

I  know we all know about Obesity as throughout the years Obesity documentaries and awareness plans have been promoted worldwide. But overtime I feel Obesity has been pushed aside recently since the whole pandemic. To be honest Obesity is something we need to be on top of right now as we’re all home eating, sleeping,  and barely going outside to get exercise. You may be asking well what is Obesity? Well Obesity is a disease involving an excessive amount of body fat. You may be saying “Why do I need to know about Obesity”. Well did you know that over 2.8 million people have died from obesity from 1975-2016. It’s insane how many people had died from this disease, and I know through society obesity have been toned down lightly from fat jokes and such things as those. But with extensive research on the topic I will present to you today the cause and effectiveness of obesity and how it relates to us today.

Today for my research question I will be answering is “What is Obesity? What’s the cause and effect of it”? Starting from the cause of obesity according to Centers For Disease Control And Prevention(In America) “beside the causes and individual factors such as behavior and genetics. Behaviors can include physical activity, inactivity, dietary patterns, medication use, and other exposures. Additional contributing factors include the food and physical activity environment, education and skills, and food marketing and promotion”. This statement states the basic causes of obesity  is food consumptions, genetics, exercise, and medication. Reading this out is a lot to deal with as we have to maintain a certain weight and balance between all of these causes in order to reach the level of obesity. Although these are the basic causes of obesity it sure explains why obesity is so high in America. As in America I believe the causes are mainly towards food consumptions and exercise. From further years of fast food places and people just not exercising enough it makes sense of why America is known for having the 12th highest obesity rate of 36.20%. From these statistics alone this should be further proof of why we need to take better care of our bodies and helped those who are obese. Due to the causes of obesity which are stated to be death, High blood pressure, High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high levels of triglycerides, etc. Those are a few side effects of being obese can give you as there are plenty more to cover.

Furthermore effects of Obesity can give is Type 2 diabetes, Coronary heart disease, Stroke, Gallbladder disease, Osteoarthritis, Sleep apnea and breath problems, cancer, low quality of life, mental illness, and Body pain and difficulty with physical functioning. With all the effects cover I don’t think I have to explain why these things are bad for you and for everyone who are obese. But just to slightly cover on how big these effects are to a person. Overtime Obesity will eventually get you fat which will make you lose the ability to move then overtime time kill you from either the side effects previous mention or the shear pain from obesity. Not a very good thing to have but you may be saying “Ok I know Obesity is harmful now what ways are there for people to get better”. Well according to the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention some ways to improve people with their health are to balance your diet, exercise more frequently, or visit the CDC website and search the nearest programs near you which help people prevent or help weight loss.

With All these programs and basic things people can do to help their bodies most people still die from obesity. Which begs the question of why so many people die. Well some people die from either medical conditions from years of being obese or simply lack of effort. Which relates to the topic of obesity and the causes. From all the evidence I’ve had shown the reason for people dying is simply from the lack of effort and motivation to give to those who are obese.

In conclusion I have stated the cause and effects of obesity. Even explain furthermore of why people die from obesity. Which go back to today. How is it related, well its related to us today as since the pandemic were all home working comfortably. These conditions we are in are easily able for us to start eating and not exercise. Statically we could all get fat if these pattern do not change overtime. One thing to take away from this bibliography is to maintain a good diet and help those who are getting overweight. As we all need motivation from time to time. One last thought is to help those who are obese and to motivate them to succeeding in improve their lives.


  1. “Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 22 Mar. 2021, 16 Apr. 2021,
  2. The health effects of overweight and obesity. (2020, September 17). Retrieved April 16, 2021, from
  3. State and local programs. (2021, February 10). Retrieved April 16, 2021, from


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