Unit 1

Rough Draft

“There is no end to education,” and “Learning is a Lifelong Process” are quotes I highly value. As of recently I’ve been developing interests in music and art, more specifically, playing the piano and creating graphic designs. While looking up ideas and exercises I began to realize education goes beyond school. Whether you’re watching a video, reading articles, or just picking up on trends, you are learning more about whatever you’re doing. This compliments learning in class because it links loose information together and can give one a better overall understanding of the subject. Personal studying and experience practicing enhances one’s education which transcends them as a learner as well as a person.

Although I haven’t always been conscious of personal studying or how effective it was, there has been times where I’ve unintentionally done just that. As a child I found out that I could draw pretty well and so I chose to pursue art. My school at the time didn’t have an art class so I decided to learn more on my own by searching for “how to draw…” videos. Those videos turned into “drawing tips and techniques” and then “helpful drawing exercises”. Once I enrolled into an art school, and started learning from an instructor, I realized that some of what I practiced were being taught in lessons. I also felt like I was learning faster because certain bits of information taught in class was things I figured out on my own. Having those habits of practicing, studying, just overall experiencing these methods propelled my learning and made me a better artist.

The idea of self education I sometimes find within something everyday like communication. As a child it was difficult for me to express my thoughts. Schools sometimes teach communication when saying “Say you respectfully disagree” in a debate, or “Make sure to ask politely” when you need help however, this wasn’t enough for me. Over time, being exposed to different personalities helped me learn how to converse with different people. It taught me to be observant and to study how people and myself act. As a student, this is important because I can better understand my professor when teaching and can cooperate more with my peers on a group project. As a result, me learning to better communicate helped me grow as a person and as a learner.

In conclusion, education goes beyond what a student learns in class. Education is about incorporating one’s personal studying, experiences, and practicing into what they learn in life. Personal studying and practicing like learning to draw, or experiencing everyday things like communicating. It’s all apart of education and growing as a person and as life’s student.

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