Unit 1

unit 1 – Adam Ibrahim


I : Introduction 


  1. Attention grabber : something to catch the reader’s attention to learn more about  people’s educational years. 
  2. Explaining how it impacted me
  3. How it impacted me and made me a better learner. 


II: Body paragraph 1 


  1.  Topic sentence: Mention the situation: How it was before and how I felt different because I had trouble writing. 
  2. Point: Talking about how the teacher made me a better writer and overtime improving. 
  3. Illustration :How that one teacher helped me become a better writer. I was in an after school program improving more. 
  4.  Explanation: Reflecting on how I have improved in my writing and materials. 


III: Body paragraph 2 


  1. Topic sentence: write about how important education is important and change your view of thinking and viewing things.  
  2. point : how creative writing is involved and important through your educational years.
  3. Illustration: talking about how i thought writing was easy but i started to struggle and how i improved. 
  4. Explanation: without education i wouldn’t be where i am now in college and learning more. 

IV: conclusion 


  1. Restate my thesis: my struggles with writing and how I improved. 
  2. Summarize my evidence/ point: how that one teacher helped me improve and the after school program.
  3. Answer: ‘’so what’’ I overcame my difficulty and improved my writing.

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