Unit 1


An anecdote that comes to mind when regarding to my educational career will mostly be towards the end of middle school and the junior and senior year of Highschool. I was always an okay student, what I mean by that is that I always maintained a decent grade but never mastered any of my classes. I would say that came from just me not wanting to show my full potential because in reality I didn’t enjoy school for the most part. In middle school my my grades will mostly consist of Cs and some Bs, but my conduct in every class was on point. Back then my mind set towards class work and test’s was that as long as I get it done with some correct answers ill be good and also I wouldn’t ask for help from teachers, the reason being is because I would feel embarrassed to ask for help. That mindset i had in middle school followed me to my first two years of High school. My first two years of high school was just me trying to see where I fit in, the school I went to was big. my main focus freshman and sophomore year was to make friends and make as much memories with them. But once life start to hit around my junior year i got more serious with class and assignments. I wanted to go to college and I wanted to be something after high school.

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