Unit 1

Anecdotes- John Webber

Usually when I think about my education there are a few anecdotes that come up. I used to be a very active kid, so in middle school I would always get in trouble for getting out of my seat and joking around with other people when I was supposed to be doing work. And this wasn’t a small problem, it was a very consistent problem that I would get parents called, sent to the deans, the whole thing. I would try to relax so that I can focus on my work but it rarely worked. Usually I had this problem in english class because I would get distracted by reading to quick and stumble on words. Overall I guess that might be a big reason why I was always better at math than english class, because it just makes sense to me. Like for certain complex problems I could understand when I focused on them. Kind of like how Will described it in Good Will Hunting. Education for me was always like a requirement, I got to school because I have to. I learn what I can in the class room but a diploma or a degree is like a key, it opens doors and through those doors is where really learn first hand. Through out my journey in school I seen different types of people and who they are as a student. There are people who take education very seriously, there are grade average students who just go to school and do what they gotta do. And there are some students who do alright in school, but seek different experiences, whether it be a college now class or a program trip to Costa Rica. I feel like my education was a little of everything. For instance I feel like I was the student who did sufficient in school but really shinned in how they can learn things that are out of the box. Elon Musk said in a tweet, “I didn’t go to Harvard but the people that work for me did.” Now I don’t know if I will become a CEO of a a $773 Billion company. But $774 Billion? Maybe.

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