Unit 1

Anecdote-Qur’an Richardson

In middle school I was a solid B to B+ student. I started senior year strong being proactive in getting school work done early and focusing more in class which was all a new for me. Normally I would goof off with my friends and wait till the last minute to start an important project. However everything felt different, the teachers were welcoming and I was in a class that felt tightly knit. Everything felt more positive and I truly felt motivated to do better. However, it didn’t last. During class an assistant principal notified me that I was being transferred to a regent class along with 2 other students and that we were to transfer immediately. A regent class is a class thats given high school credit if they pass advanced courses. My class leading up to senior year was supposed to be 1 of 3 regent classes but was stripped of that title for reasons I don’t know. You would think being moved to an advanced class would be better, and in hindsight it was, but being moved to a different setting with mostly students and teachers I didn’t know, at the time it was difficult for me. I decided to stay in hopes of regaining that motivation but it was to no avail. Most students I didn’t like and most teachers taught in a way that was more difficult for me. Everything felt unjust and that positivity was lost. My grades slipped into the C’s and I received my first failing grade for a marking period. I still did enough to pass senior year but me nor my parents were truly satisfied with the results.

Fast forward to high school, ironically enough senior year, I started the year as usual; average grades, C’s and B’s. However because of the regents I passed in middle school, my schedule was a lot lighter than usual. knowing this along with being around friends, positive teachers, and a paying after school internship, I seen my grades pick up and my moral boosted. This motivated me to do more. My grades returned to what I had seen and missed in middle school; B’s to B+’s and even A’s occasionally. However, with me being a 2020 graduate, things took a serious dip when march came. “cough cough” Covid. I don’t think I need to say much else. My grades once again started to slip because of the many distractions at home and my depleted moral. I did enough to pass but just barely.

Before March my idea of college was a lot different than reality. Being online had the same affect as it did previously. After completing my first semester, I received decent grades how ever I failed english. But I still haven’t given up. I’m still finding my motivation and retaking this class I believe will motivate me even more.

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