Discussions Unit 1

Anecdote – Jayla Cintron

There’s a few anecdotes that come to mind when I think about my education…but one moment that stands out the most is this one time in 3rd grade. At the time, I was doing poorly in all my classes and one day the teacher pulled me and this boy named Peter (who was also doing poorly) to the side at the end of the school day and handed us these envelopes telling us to have our parents sign them. I had no idea what was going on and just thought it was something regular until my mom came home and I handed it to her. I remember her opening the envelope and reading the letter then immediately after she was done she had a very disappointed look on her face, I was very confused, she then told me it was a “promotion in doubt” letter meaning that the teacher thought I wasn’t going to pass the grade. My heart dropped and I didn’t know how to feel, I was doing the best I could in school and couldn’t really understand why the teacher felt this way. I felt like nobody believed in me and shut down. When I went back to school the next day I made a promise to myself to pay extra attention and do whatever I had to do to pass the grade. I even took after school classes and studied more at home to ensure I would make it. Fast forward to a few months it was time for the state test, I was doing better in my classes and made sure I was on top of everything so I was finally confident again. Surprisingly, I was one of the first students to finish my test and it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, even though we had to wait a few weeks for the grades I knew deep inside that I did good. The day finally comes where we got our grades back, and just as I thought I passed with a high score and got put into the honors class for the upcoming school year. I felt overjoyed and couldn’t even sit still cause of how happy I was, ever since then I saw my potential and used it to my advantage. Education is really important to me so finally stepping up and doing everything I could to the best of my abilities became a norm, however it did make me a perfectionist. I guess you could say for the most part I have a good relationship with education, when you really take the time to sit back and listen you really learn a lot of things whether you realize it or not except for when it’s math cause I suck eggs at that subject. But even then I’ll still try my best!

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