Unit 1

“Anecdotes” – Kymmone Delgado


Growing up in the Caribbean Island of Jamaica, there were many anecdotes that spoke volume in regards to my relationship with education. From a very young age, I think we can all agree that we are groomed to aim for the best and to be successful in our adult life and that being successful can be achieved through education. This grooming came in the form of things such as asking my younger self questions like “What do I want to be when I grow up?” This has been a frequently asked question throughout my live. Our younger selves begin to question what profession would stand out as acceptable by society and therefore making us successful. Throughout my life, the ultimate profession has changed at different stages of life as life experiences happen and I realize; maybe another profession would be more successful, as one would aim to dream. We are taught to go to school, get a good job and you will be successful, so growing up I wanted to be an Anesthesiologist. Why? Well for one I liked the way the word rolled off the tongue but also because I’d help to save lives and that was one profession a Caribbean parent would consider as being successful. This idea was short-lived as I realized I did not want to spend 100 years being in school. 

 My dreams to achieve didn’t stop there, it just changed with time. Currently, I am interested in being a travel radiology technician as well as an entrepreneur, particularly because I am driven with the need to succeed and control my own destiny. So when it comes to my overall experience, my relationship with education and the various anecdotes in my life, education is important to me as it will help navigate my life in a better way as well as ensuring that both myself and my family are proud of my success. 

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