Discussions Unit 1


One anecdote that I will remember during my educational experience was my freshman year of High school one cold day, I had half a day because it was a parent-teacher conference so, I and a few friends hung out after school. As we decide what we wanted to do we finally decide to go over a friends house, we had to take the train to our destination. We all decided to run the tracks in shorts to the following stop to see who will arrive first. There are always two cops during the day patrolling the station if any fights occurred or people hopping the turnstile. We were on the opposite side from where the police usually stands as one of our friends yellow “THE COPS ARE THERE” we knew there was no turning back because I just imagined how much trouble I would be if they called my parents so we quickly ran to the next stop to meet up with our friend who gave us the signal that the cops were there. I quickly tell them the trains are delayed it isn’t going to show up anytime soon we’re going to get caught. So we decided to run through a long block full of beautiful homes as we run I tell them let’s go to another station where a local and express train run, we take the express train and we quickly leave. I never experienced  a cop stop me especially over a stupid choice I made with my friends I was frightened of my very strict parents at that time, so many things were going through my head. Till this day when I go out i pass through the same stop it will be a moment I will never forget. I’ve learned throughout many mistakes which led to many consequences.

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