
Shitty First Drafts

In her article Anne Lamott breaks down the process of creating a finished writing into three steps. The first steps the author describes as a “child’s draft”, where she would let all her feelings and irrational thoughts to be typed on the paper. She admits that that first draft is always inappropriate, and only the idea that nobody would ever read it makes her write it. The second step of the writing process typically occurs some time later (next day possibly). The author goes over the first draft finding some interesting ideas and leading points. After that Lamott writes the third draft – the final version of her future article, all perfected and satisfying.

The first few paragraphs of Anne Lamott’s article took me by surprised. Before reading her article I really considered that all these professional famous writers are kissed by God and would never struggle in finding the right word or composing a perfect sentence. I’ve always been struggling with writing assignments and thought it happened to me just because it’s never been my strong point. But after reading Shitty First Drafts I’ve gained some hope and some new tools on how to improve my writing. Typically, starting a new assignment, I would gather some main facts for my first draft, and would develop them into my future essay. But I’ve never thought about the first draft as a “child’s draft” where you can write the most absurd thoughts. I would definitely use this technique in the future, as well as I would try to go as far the the third draft. Before I’ve never seen necessity and patience in it.

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