Weekly Assignments

“Shitty First Drafts”

While reading “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott I notice 3 steps she took to write one piece. The first step was to write whatever came to mind, relating it to what a child would think. As a child like mindset may see a different perceptive rather than an adult’s perceptive. The second step I notice was the editing phase where you see any sentences you wrote, and write it more clearly than you did before. Overall making the sentences meaning or message more impactful. The third step was the final revisions, as in this stage you check every word of every sentence, to see if there are any ways to improve and fix any grammatical errors.

My views on my writing process has not change as I have used this same process before. As personally I needed to double check my work and do any revisions I needed to do. Due to lack of effort in my writing pieces, because I would basically do the first step of the process and think it would suffice for a easy grade and that was it. The comparison between my own writing process and Lamott’s process is a little different. As every time I would have to work on a essay or a general writing piece, I would go through the same process as Lamott’s then ask my teacher to revise/read my writing piece for any changes she would recommend.  Some steps I may include in my process would be to better finalize my revision stage and perfect it to the best of my abilities for future events.

Daniel Cortez _Shitty First Drafts _ Annotations

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