Discussions Weekly Assignments

How to read like a writer

When Mike Bunn says “you’re already an author” he means that everyone is a storyteller of their own life. One of the ways that we use writing in everyday life is the use of social media. For example, posting a picture or writing a status or even sharing your ideas through social media are essentially ways that make you an author of your own life. Another way in which you’re your own author is by talking to a close friend of yours. Good writing is similar to having a conversation between the reader and the writer. When you write you should be able to think about how you would speak on a certain topic with your friend. Suppose you were having a conversation with them, what would you want to discuss about first? What terms will you use? What type of questions might they ask regarding the topic? Moreover, writing in a journal is a way in being your own author. People write in their journals for many different reasons; whether is to tell a story, create a story or write poems etc. When writing a story you may want to consider how your story might grab readers attention and if your story is showing more instead of constantly telling. When it comes to writing, some things I write about are essays and I personally enjoy journalling down things that has to do with manifesting and answering questions that has to do with myself. The words that I use in everyday life will help me with my college reading and writing career because I’m able to use these words that shows who I am. I can also expand my vocabulary and knowledge. In addition, the way I write or speak is my own voice and thats how I’m able to express myself to students and professors. Something that I noticed in Bunn’s article that I would like to try doing in my own writing is that he opened up his essay with a story. I would like to try this because this a good way in grabbing a readers interest.

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