Weekly Assignments

“How to Read Like a Writer”

In the article, “How to read like a writer” the author Mike Bunn describes what it means to read like a writer and how one can read like a writer. From reading the article I have come to find out the reading like a writer is something that is a lot deeper than just figuring out the story or the plot, it is more about a word for word process that is made up of choices from the writer. All specific to convey a certain imagine that the reader sees. The article says when you read like a writer you are trying to find some of these choices that the author made so you can understand how these choices may come up in your writing, and I really agree with this though process while reading because it really makes one think outside of the box and not just taking information that the author is giving, but also how the author gives it. This is what makes a good writer a better writer. I agree with the author when he says “you are already an author”, because I believe we all have the ability to voice our opinions or bring our story to vocal or written words, but in order to be come a better presenter for our ideas we have to not only write like a reader but read like a writer. When I say write like a reader, it is the same method as rereading a speech or an assignment. Somethings that I write already are assignments for school, I don’t really write much or read, I am not someone that reads for fun which I understand how it could be beneficial, but I really only read for long periods of time when I have to. Something that I will try in my own reading will be asking questions before reading, like ‘do I know the author’s purpose their piece of writing?’

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