Discussions Intro

“How to Read Like a Writer” – Tiffany Russo

As I was reading “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn, I came across something that was written which stated “ you are already an author”. In my opinion this means we are able to read and write and this can allow us to learn more skills. Reading someone else’s work can influence us in our own writing. We read and write on a daily basis for example when reading road signs while driving we have to read or even when someone texts us we have to read in order to respond correctly. When you read, this helps you understand how to respond or even decide what you want to include in your writing. Some of the things that I write already are different types of genres, I usually write essays and sometimes short story’s. I’m constantly adding dialogue along with quotes. In Mike Bunns article I noticed that he spoke about “style of writing” which is something I definitely need to work on. It’s quite difficult For me to be humorous or show any type of emotion and tone through my writing but I would love to work on this. I even noticed that he gave many questions we should be asking ourselves as we read such as, do you know the author’s purpose for this? Do you know who the intended audience is? Is the language that the author uses effective? How did the writer stay in my memory? And how did the writer get me to feel? All of these questions are extremely helpful to better understand what we are reading and this can even assist us when we write so we can have many choices and techniques when it comes to our own writing. Reading “How To Read Like A Writer” definitely gave me many choices and ideas of what I should include in my writing. I can’t wait to begin writing so I can try these new techniques and see how it turns out in my own writing.

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