Discussions Intro

Intro- John Webber

One word that would describe how I am feeling about this course and my classes in general would be happy. Although I am now about to throw myself into student debt and have to stress about assignments and deadlines on top of other things I have to do, I have to say I’m sufficiently happy, because at least I know that all this work will be going toward my future and my effort is something I can respect even if I fail at. Honestly I have no worries, I expect the worst to come, I expect to be overflown with work and miss deadlines sometimes but I still will continue to learn as much as I can as an online student and always strive and prosper.I  choose this photo because most recently these companies stocks have been going viral and increasing drastically, but what it means to me is an opportunity.  I see that photo and I know what my motivation is. 

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