Discussions Intro

I would say I feel a little bit concerned and worried about the English class. And reason to this is mostly the fact that English is not my native language. Over many semesters in colleges, I have always found it a bit challenging to express my thoughts and ideas on a level that English-speaking students do. But nevertheless, I feel that this class would help me to improve my writing skills, and I would feel more confident to interpret my ideas in different writing genres.

As for distance learning, I find it has its pros and cons. I really don’t miss the commute to the college as well as long walks between campuses. I realized that with more free time I did better quality work and presentations. I also like the idea of planning weeks ahead knowing the exact time of classes and assignments.

On the other hand, the main disadvantage of distance learning, in my opinion, is the lack of in-person interactions. For me, being an architecture student, it is very import to team up with your classmates for development of new concepts, designs, critiques, and, of course, cheering. During online classes everyone feels distant and I miss that part the most.


This picture shows my last semester’s project of an educational center. I posted it as I think it is very important for student to interact and collaborate in-person as it’s shown in the picture.

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