Discussions Unit 1


I don’t think I’ve been a good student. I’ve been told I can do my work, I’m good around others and I contribute to the class. But my grades don’t reflect that I’ve been a C to B student for a while now nor does my work ethic show I’m good at turning things in on time or if i do turn things on time it doesn’t feel like effort was put in. The best way of explaining my working habits is like this. Ever see a tom and jerry short or classic looney toons they do this bit a lot, someone is on a boat, and water is leaking in so they plug the hole with their finger. Next thing you there is another hole and another and another until they sink. This habit I’m in is only going to make me sink. I try to live up to what I’ve been told I am but I feel I’m too behind to actually meet expectations. I’ve had teachers who inspired me before and I’ve done work that I’ve been passionate about and even then it still looks like I’m doing the bare minimum. Are my standards for what i consider acceptable too low or is what is expected of me too low I think the former is true. I definitely have to get everything together if i want to be anywhere in this world. I think I’ve taken my education for granted which may seem unrelated to everything else im talking about right now but it feels that that’s the byproduct. i took my education for granted and now feel like I’m always behind on work stuck trying to plug holes on what is my career as a student.

Discussions Unit 1

Rough Draft

Being forced to do something when you’re not genuinely interested in it is dreadful. My whole academic career I was never interested in any classes, I felt like School was a burden until I had people to motivate me like my parents and my teacher.

My grades were always mediocre throughout middle school, and as high school came it got worse. Its like my whole educational career was a downwards spiral and the teachers did not make it better whatsoever. Teachers never showed interest, they would allow students to do anything they wanted, there was barely any learning and even less respect in the classroom. I felt like the Education system was failing me. No matter how much I tried I could not get rid of my lack of motivation, It was until my senior year where I encountered an amazing teacher in my trigonometry class. My Trigonometry teacher always showed interest in my academic career in the class room and even after school hours. My teacher helped with my work when it was difficult and always made sure I was on time to all my classes, and would call me out when I missed one. It felt great to finally have a teacher that genuinely cared for me, This helped me get the motivation I needed.

It is important to have a great support system during your education career. It is easy to lose sight of the the purpose of education and fall to lack of motivation, I was almost a victim but having a great teacher and parents by my side to motivate and support me made me feel like I couldn’t fail. They gave me the motivation I needed to finish out my high school career. My Parents played the most important role in my academic career. If they were not there to motivate me I would not have gone to college. It is crucial to seek guidance whether it is a friend, family member, or school staff member. Even the smallest amount of guidance can help motivate you to be your best.

In school I came to a realization that not all methods of learning work for me. It is difficult when you’re in a class and a teacher just throws a worksheet in front of your face. I’ve experienced this on multiple occasions, which played a part in my lack of interest in school. I enjoy hands on work , and group work that’ll allow me to learn and share new ideas with my peers. It is important to find new ways to help you learn, this can help with an increase in interest in the material you’re learning. One thing that helped me tremendously was setting goals for myself. Setting goals for myself allowed me to accomplish things I never knew I could accomplish and helped me stay focused In school.

Without people to motivate me like my parents and my teacher I would not be sharing me educational narrative with you today. Having people there for me as a support system really allowed me to gain interest in school and thrive. If you are uninterested in school or feel like you’re ready to give up there are different things you can do to help yourself. Seeking guidance, Finding new ways to learn, and setting goals for myself is what allowed me to continue my academic career, and it can also help you too.

Unit 1

Unit 1: Rough Draft

Everyone needs help when they’re at their lowest in life, right? I was once at this low point in life as well. When you’re a student, it’s hard not to compare yourself to others.You begin to minimize your successes and put yourself down for every small thing you’re unable to accomplish compared to others. I struggled with this for the longest time as well. However, you have to realize that everyone moves at their own pace and some may go slower than others, and that’s okay! I never really took this concept to heart, until my friends and family helped me realize this. They reminded me that as long as you reach your goals, it doesn’t matter how long you take to achieve them. I’m thankful for my support system who still supported me when I was struggling with school, put me back on the right track and helped me achieve and follow my goals.

I remember being very anxious but excited on the first day of my college experience. I used to attend Stony Brook University, and I had commuted to campus through the LIRR. It was a daily 2 hour struggle commuting to Stony Brook every day and I honestly hated it. My classes also began to become a lot more difficult as the weeks went by, and my grades showed my performance in my classes. My grades were at their all time lows and I was pretty shaken up by it. Instead of my low grades boosting my morale and causing me to want to do better, I began to lose motivation and do even worse in all my classes. Not only was this lack of motivation hurting my performance in my studies, it also took a negative hit in my interactions with my friends and family as well. 

It was my family that first noticed that I had begun to grow more distant towards them. They reached out first and asked if anything was wrong and I explained everything to them. I told them that my academics were bringing me down and that I was struggling in general. I lost sight of my original goals and ambitions. They were very supportive and stated that it’s okay to struggle and that if I needed to take a break to restructure myself and get my motivation back that I would be allowed to. I’m so grateful for my parents for being so supportive and understanding of my struggles back then. The break I took helped immensely. During the break I took, I asked many people around me for advice, which they graciously provided. My friends reminded me that everyone is in school for different reasons and is attending for different goals. Everyone also achieves said goal at their own different pace and that it’s okay to take it easy and slow. I was told not to compare myself to others and that I’m writing my own story for my future. Without all this advice from my family and friends, I would probably not be the same student I am today.

During my break, I took some time to look up different majors I could swap into and I decided to choose dental hygiene. All my friends and family that knew my situation said that they were extremely proud of me for finding a topic that I’m interested in and choosing that path. I always knew I had wanted to do something related to the sciencey-anatomy field and when a friend of mine mentioned that he had a sister working in that field, I knew it was the path I wanted to go follow. He gave me a bunch of resources to help me get basic information about that field and helped me a ton. Through the push he gave me and by watching all my other friends being passionate about their fields of studies, pushed me to get back on my feet motivated and ready to have a fresh start with my transfer to City Tech. With my classes being online, it was slightly difficult to keep my spark of motivation, since it was so easy to get disconnected from your studies as everything was remote learning. However, my friends and I set up online study sessions with each other to keep each other focused and on top of all our studies. My friends played such an important role in helping me refocus on my studies and get back on the right track, and have helped me by guiding me and helping me stay on the right track as well.

Through my friends and family, I was able to get back on the right path when I was down, and they also helped me not lose sight of my goals once I got back on the right path. Without my support system, I wouldn’t be where I am today and I am forever grateful for all my friends and family who helped push me to be a student I’m proud to have become. I’ve once again found my passion for school and finally have a goal to reach out and seek for, and I know that if I ever lose this spark again, I know that I’ll have the means to get back on track.