Discussions Unit 2 Weekly Assignments

Unit 2 Reflective Annotated Bibliography


Why is social media and online retailing important for businesses today and what are the benefits?

The reason why I’m interested in this topic is because I plan to launch my own business and was researching on the methods that made other familiar businesses successful also as why others weren’t. Due to the growth of social media and technology in our generation I wanted to see how important social media is for a business success, specifically the fashion industry. This is a topic I’ve come across in my marketing class and also while searching for what topic to research for this annotated bibliography, it was the one that intrigued me the most. As there are a lot of successful businesses that aren’t using social media to promote themselves such as Primark but are they as successful as the one who are online and using social media  Or have they dropped down?

In this research I expect to find the benefits of social media/ online retailing and how it can increase and plays a part in a business success as much as why it is better than other traditional methods that were used before the growth of social media and online retail, and a clear example of business who have been more successful due to social media and being online also how beneficial it is specially considering the pandemic we are still going on.

If I find answers that does not match my hypothesis while doing my research, I will firstly evaluate the information  I’ve found and do further research on it then I’ll add the new information I’ve found and explain how it can still fit into my hypothesis and if it contradicts my hypothesis I’ll also do further research then re-evaluate my hypothesis and question as well as re-write it lastly I’ll  write a new hypothesis taking into consideration the new information I’ve found.

Source Entry 1

Newberry, C. (2021, January 12). “23 Benefits of Social Media for Business”. Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard.

Smith, K. (2021, March 9). The Importance of Social Media in Business for Entrepreneurial Success. Digital Marketing Blog.

Source Entry 2

Hudson, M. (2018, December 26). “What Are the Pros and Cons of eCommerce and Selling Online?” The Balance Small Business.

Source Entry 3

Popovic, K. (2015, May 13). 7 Reasons You Should Not Use Social Media For Business. Online Marketing Institute.


Discussions Unit 2 Weekly Assignments

Liking is for Cowards. Go for what Hurts.”

The whole concept of like vs love about technology was a bit odd but Yes I agree with Jonathan Franzen main idea concept of like vs love as to me liking could be simply alternative of I like it but it’s not that nice or I like it but not enough to buy but loving there no but you don’t try to find something wrong that restricts you from getting ,buying or simply proceeding with it, also love it’s more about getting attached, there it’s something that made you love it compare to like which is more of a common thing to me has less meaning and I guess Jonathan was kinda implying the same thing but with technology in his own way

My relationship with my phone does concern me sometimes when I really think about it as I would definitely say I can’t be without my phone, what else would I do especially in this generation now everything revolves around this one technology I think it’s near impossible to not get attached to it. but  I love my phone and mainly I’m attached to the things it have inside like pictures memories, and the things it can do ,it would take me a bit of process to switch phones as I’m not the type person to often switch phones unless I see the benefit of it as in if the latest phone have something beneficial enough for me to change phones. Technology has been the main resource for everything from jobs to school to basic social life  revolves around technology specially smartphones and it definitely has caused a big changes in both good and bad way as a young adult I do think it’s important to do sometimes take time off the screens but with this current pandemic that has not been possible as it only increased my use of technology.

Discussions Process Unit 1 Weekly Assignments

Unit 1 Final draft

Education is confusing or maybe it isn’t, maybe I just have hard time adapting to it. I could pass the exams, do well in class, be the best student, but does all that benefit me outside of school ?
I mean I can still succeed another way.

There is many other alternatives to education, the question is how far can they really get me , I went from not understanding the benefits of education  to not liking it all to enjoying education and actually benefiting from it.

Having a good teacher and doing a subject I liked changed my whole experience in school because I felt motivated to learn.
My education experience was all over the place but I’m glad to say that at this present day I believe in education and that my experience has helped shape me into the person that I am today and all thanks to my college experience which is what shaped my relationship with education.

Learning new languages, adapting to a new curriculum was not always as easy, which was what caused my confusion with school over the years.
My emotions in middle school were feeling scared of embarrassing myself or frustrated because I was doing something simpler than other kids.
Being someone that doesn’t like asking for help or even asking twice when I didn’t understand made me work harder  but also more difficult as this caused me to learn myself in the context of  when I didn’t  understand  instead of asking and get an answer straightaway I will wait till I get home and find out by myself but when I was studying in Switzerland ,I realize that it’s easier and faster to learn languages when your communicating and letting yourself make mistakes

As I was growing up I started adapting quicker enabling me to fully learn and feel more comfortable even though I was still very shy, specially back in Spain, one of the things teacher would always say that I would never put my hand up despite knowing the answer or needing help as I barely talked but it did not help that I could sit in class all day no teacher would make sure I’m updated with all the work or anything  as I started in the middle of school.

 To be honest when I was young I loved learning but when I moved high schools to the UK I started falling behind ,at first I always kept to myself and tried to adapt but in high school everything was different.

Between lack of motivation and being distracted I limited myself to learning and it did not help that I didn’t like the school at that point I was only looking forward to the fun at lunch time and after school rather than how to get good grades. I left with 3 Gcse which according to my school I wouldn’t be able to “move forward” and that didn’t help at all as it just made me not care rather than motivating me.

My college experience it’s what made me focus back in school, this one particular teacher really helped me ,she made sure me and my friends always completed our work at the best possible ,she would tell us to stay over and review what we done so far to help us even though we wasn’t the best students but she always looked out for us and kept us from getting in trouble and excluded as schools in UK are very strict,as well the course I was doing was art and travel and tourism, getting to go out and travel every now and then was a nice experience which made us enjoy the course more and kept us motivated to pass the class. Before this I was really unmotivated and didn’t see the point in school. The only thing kept in there was because of my parents and friends. The qualification from this school and my high school is what brought me here today as this is what got me into this university/college and opened many opportunities for me which is why I’m not able to do the major of my choice and pursue my career.

In conclusion my college (high school in the US) experience is what benefited me the most ,it taught me that if your good with your teachers and is interested in the course you have higher chances of passing it ,this is also where I had my first work experience which was made by the school and this benefited me outside of education and I am very grateful as this the reason I’m still in school today ,I am also at a more mature age to know what my priorities are and how to move forward.