Discussions Unit 3

Unit 3 – GENRE

My topic is Covid-19 and its Mental Health Impact on Children and Adolescents. As of now, I am still indecisive on the exact genre that I will use for my unit 3 assignment. I am considering genres that are remarkably similar, which is a newspaper/magazine article or a press release. I believe these would all reach my target audiences, but I am leaning towards the press release as I believe that press releases can usually cover especially important and urgent topics such as mine. For my topic, I can see for example, CDC releasing a Press Release about my issue to educate the public. In this press release, I will argue that it has been proven that the pandemic does impact kids’ mental health. I will show research studies and surveys to help prove my argument. I will also provide detailed statements from Psychologists and other health care professionals. I will include some of the symptoms associated with stress and anxiety in Children and adolescents and various intervention methods to promote child mental health throughout the pandemic and even after the pandemic is over.  This is an especially important issue and I believe that the entire adult population should know about it and this can be achieved with a  Press Release.

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