Attendance policy COMD3505 Special Topics in Graphic Design /
Fall: Lettering and Experimental Typography.

The COMD BFA and AAS are design studio programs. In-class activities and engagement with other students is a significant portion of the course. Absences in excess of 10% of the total class hours will result in a 10% drop from your grade due to an inability to meet deliverables of participation. This is in addition to other penalties that will be imposed for failure to complete academic requirements. No more than 4 class absences will be tolerated. It is expected that you will be ready to work at the start of each period. Any 2 latenesses will be considered to be equal to 1 absence.

Class 1 Sans Serif

Here we will be discussing the details of a sans serif letters, grading and looking at some hand lettering designers. Every class bring pencil, sharpener, sketch pad, ruler, eraser, Tracing Paper and reference I give you.

How your letters will be graded

Here are some links we will be reviewing together in class.


Letter spaceing

Letter widths in a box
Details of Letter S
Good Letter spacing- Look at D has horizontal strokes, cross bar of A is not centered

Practice drawing letters in class- FRESH, HELLO

Note: Sans serif letters have not contrast all one weight- Mono weight.

For HOME WORK– Draw 3 words – MONDAY in boldface, FRIDAY light, SUNDAY in regular in all caps in sans serif-2 inches tall. Scan in and send me 3 jpegs to my drop box and bring to class pencil sketches.

Homework example

CLASS 2- Serif letters

Serif letter styles are classic, vintage and modern. High contrast letters. Thick and Thins

Ligatures-look at kissmiklos work and serif style.

Practice drawing letters in class- ENJOY YOUR STAY using the 2 serif references.

Reference 1-
Moden Serif- this serif style is typified by high contrast,
a vertical axis, and thin unbracketed serifs
This serif is also high contras but with Brackets and thin serifs
Student Example
Student example of no Bracket.

Practice drawing letters in class- Luxury Cars in class using the 2 references- Brackets and no Brackets


Lettering Phrase-ENJOY YOUR STAY– 3 lines

leading equal space between each word.

Draw phrase twice

  1. in no bracket
  2. with braces style

Bring to class next Tuesday.

Class 3: Composition of words

Lettering and design artists.

Master of Layout

Use Boxes from pdf to layout type.

Stefan example of boxes
My example of using 3 style of letters and in each word is in a box
How boxes wok
Student sketch
Student vector homework

Use Boxes from pdf to layout type. DRAW LETTERS USING THE SKELETON METHOD.

HOMEWORK:DRAW 2 differnt compositions for


mix serif and sans serif styles and USE GRID BOXES

Place home work in my drop box and bring pencil sketch to class.

CLASS 4 : Digitizing Sketches in Illustrator


vector ornaments for letters

Take sketch and scan into the adobe illustrator, put it on its own layer.

Build layer with grid and a layer with shapes to make letters. I will do in class demo.

HOMEWORK: Digitize final sketch- ENJOY THE LITTLE THINGS make it into a greeting card in illustrator. Add texture and color, EMBELLISHMENT. 

Make it into a 4 wide x 6 high greeting card. Print out Fold and send to my drop box. 

CLASS 5- Bevel Letters- sketch to vector.

Review Box layouts pencil sketch and vecotor- I will give feedback.

Discuss bevel style lettering and shadow[]=bevel%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=letters%7Ctyped

In class practice one color bevel and 2 color bevel add shadow after. Draw the word = CANDY

2nd half of the class-How to make your letters in illustrator bevel and shadow technique- I will do a demo.


Sketch and Vector the word: HALLOWEEN (twice) in ONE color and Two-Color Bevel

add shadow to one of them. Also place vector files in my drop box and will review pencil sketch in class.


Class 6: western and circus style letters

Lecture, lets review the differnt types of letter designers.

Circus lettering is big, bold, and has the perfect look to get your work

noticed. This playful vintage style can look a bit complicated to a

novice letterer, but with the right grid and steps, any artist can get

the hang of it in no time.

Circus style, split serif or tuscan style letters

<object class="wp-block-file__embed" data="" type="application/pdf" style="width:100%;height:600px" aria-label="Embed of Lettering-Adventures-Volume-3-ebook

Download the pdf and use step by step instructions to draw this letter

Download the pdf and study the details of this letter- very wide, contrasting strokes, serifs very thick.

Sample for you to use-

Letter the word-FRESH in this style in class.

IN class: Practice drawing Circus lettering workbook and western lettering

 Circus -word- CITRUS

Western- word- DRINK MIX

HOMEWORK- Finish class words. Draw in



VECTOR BOTH and put all your class/homework in folder.

CLass 7 Script lettering


Script Lettering review

Review Script letters Caps and lowercase. The Grid for script letters and how they connect Practice in class a words- 

Show where the contrast is in script letters.

explain how the nib works

Sample of upper case and lowercase letters
<object class="wp-block-file__embed" data="" type="application/pdf" style="width:100%;height:600px" aria-label="Embed of 1-BeyondTheOval-FlourishSeminar-copy
Download and practice in class

Script lettering artists


<object class="wp-block-file__embed" data="" type="application/pdf" style="width:100%;height:600px" aria-label="Embed of OLD STYLE script-letters
OLD STYLE script-letters
Use this as a reference for homework

student example
student example

Draw in class script: Start with Grid and look at both references above (download).

Take a break – 1 line or 2lines

For Homework

Draw script letters title case.

DONE-Pinot Noir- Draw in the romantic style script – above

Have a Good Day.1 line or 2 lines 
Take a break – 1 line or 2lines-
Hand in Sketches for both next class .

CLASS 8: Script Lettering -Flourishing

Lecture new designers-

Review homework, give feedback.

Lecture: Flourish– examples and handouts.

not many loops
These are all you need to make flourishes with- spiral, loop and S-Curve

Flourishing placements Bottom of the letters

Flourishing placements Bottom of the letters

In class-words— Fashion Show-2 lines- flourish. Use OVAL as structure.

End lecture here- Practice in class the 2 sheets- students use sketch books.

IN class add flourishes to pencil sketches- make them 2 lines oval- then start vector

Homework-Draw Script words and flourish- title case- Try one on a angle. Center align.

Bring into class for review.- Make sure you have guides on your letters.

CLASS 9 – Vector Script letters

Lecture- new designers

IN CLASS-Vector Demo in Script letters. Download and review PDF.

<object class="wp-block-file__embed" data="" type="application/pdf" style="width:100%;height:600px" aria-label="Embed of Vector_section-2
Download this to learn about vector points.

FOR HOME WORK VECTOR- Have a Good Day or Take a break– vector 1 in illustrator and add color. Print out and bring to class.

CLASS 10- Wine bottle mock up

Lets make a wine label design. Below are some examples.


Lets learn what goes on a wine label

info for a wine label, use this to design with

Does the cork or top of the wine have lettering too? Back?–17

Download- wine mock up-

WINE Label name-THE BLACK CAT or Sable Ridge – pick one.

IN CLASS: Draw 3 differnt layouts for your wine label name /design. Create sketches to scale -4 inches high and 3 inches wide. Make your label unique, exciting and fun.

What frame work are you going to use for your layout? From the video.

FOR HOME WORK- Vector Name of wine: THE BLACK CAT or Sable Ridge – pick one.
Also needs this copy, use a font for this- Make this copy much smaller.
Sonoma County
11% ABV
Label size 4 inches high and 3 inches wide. MUST BE TRIMMED TO CORRECT SIZE. Add color and illustration.

Send to me vector ai file of label to drop box and PRINT OUT your lettering. Trim your label to the correct size. I want a label not a sheet of paper.

We will put up PRINT OUTS on the board for class to review. Will need pencil sketch and ai file in drop box. Use the lettering styles we have learned in class only!

Class 11- Mixing lettering styles

Tuedsday- Nov 19- In class we will review your wine labels together.

More wine label samples below

In class activity. Draw the word: GREAT
Use this style- start with guides for thick and thin. Vertical is thick and horizontal guide on the top and bottom for the thin parts of the letters. Notice the widths of letters. All caps.

LECTURE- Mixing lettering styles- Sans serif, serif and script using grids and angles. Adding decorative elements to our letters.

Notice the sample below- Differnt size letters, some are high contrast and some no contrast. Flush left and right, some decorative elements added.

Will look at some designers

Student example
student mock up

LECTURE- Mixing lettering styles and decorative elements- Sans serif, serif and script using grids and angles. Will go over New Project: Book cover-hand letter-THE ESSENTIAL COCKTAIL BOOK- document size-8″x10″. Not all words have to be the same size.

HOMEWORK- Up date wine labels with feedback- print out on a wine bottle (mock up last class 10). Will review in class.

HOMEWORK: BOOK COVER-  In class sketch/practice- try a few differnt layouts- seeing if we have time?

Finish sketch in class or home and vecotor for next class.

SIZE -PRINTED- 8 inches WIDE x 10 inches HIGH with trimmed bleed, we will review in class. Make sure there is contrast, bleed and illustrations if you want.

 hand letter this title name THE ESSENTIAL COCKTAIL BOOK- in illustrator.– link for book mock up

I will send drop box link for illustrator file. Will check the file for guides and visual consistency.

Class 12: Book cover

Let’s review book pencil sketches in class

Practice Dark Carnival in class- Draw the word in title case- Dance

Lecture: designers


Vector book cover design and print out for next class- trim to 8×10 can place in a mock if want. Print outs will be reviewed on the wall.

Next project: Magazine Spread: Hand-Letter- headline- pencil sketch first

one side headline- hand letter- other side image.

Pick on headline below, there are 2 optons- pick one to handletter.

Size:11×17 – spread

HANDLETTER these 2 words-Headline- Nicki Minaj
Deck/copy/ use a smaller font- As she celebrates The Pinkprint‘s 10th anniversary, Nicki Minaj reveals plans for a new album and tour.

HANDLETTER these words-Headline-Balancing Art and Adrenaline

Deck/copy/ use a smaller font- Flatland BMX Riders Take Center Stage in 2023

First step should be a sketch to size- 8.5 x11. Final should look like this below.

Class 13: Victorian Letters

1 st part of class.

Lets review homework- book cover and sketch of Magazine spread.

2nd part of class
IN class letter drawing

Draw the word- COLD AND SNOW- Try adding inline graphics to your word, choose one you have not done before.

Drawing exercise- Ribbon, try to draw a few of these and then try the last one- it’s more complex and fill it with HAPPY HOLIDAYS- all caps serif or sans serif.

begin to vector magazine spread. Try to finish in class. I will go around room and work with you.

Travel Poster- Next project
Purpose: Get my attention and show me how great Venice is.

travel poster example
example travel poster

Homework – Finish vector and design of magazine spread- Lettering the headline. Lets look at it as a pdf on screen. 11×17 final size.

Class 14: New Travel poster.

Lets review your printed book cover updates and magazine spreads on screen.

Draw the word- Nice Gift. Title case, DO NOT use all caps on these letters

In the second half of the class: New Project: Travel Poster 10w x16H

Bring in class- 1or 2 version printed- all vector.

Hand letter- Headline

1. Escape to Venice Italy.


2. Australia Calls you.

Pick a lettering style that matches one of these places- please add decortive elements- illustrations or photos are optional. Do not go over 3 colors.
USE BOXES for layouts and guides in illustrator.

Poster presentation first, then I will go around and look at where you are at in the travel poster. Use this class to finish the travel poster and web banner.

Final size- Travel Poster 11×17 and Web Banner 240 px x 400 px

Home work: print out 11×17 poster and web banner and mount both on foam core. Hand in jpegs of both and sketches of both to my drop box.

Class 15: Present to class.

Travel Poster 11×17 and Web Banner 240 px x 400 px

print out 11×17 poster and web banner and mount both on foam core. And place jpegs of both in my drop box link.

End of class.