Hi Class,

[Note: the Final Research Essay and the Final Exam should both be emailed to me: sscanlan@citytech.cuny.edu]

Wednesday’s Zoom will be the last one of the semester. Tomorrow’s Zoom is optional, but it would be great if we could see/hear each other before the end of the semester.

Thank you very much for sticking with me through this semester. I really believe we made progress. You have all been super willing to share your ideas on the Virtual Coffeehouse. Even when we go back to in-person classes, I think I will use the Virtual Coffeehouse idea again! Your ideas and deep insights have kept me going. I’m constantly amazed by your collective optimism and hope. One of the reasons I love teaching is because college students–especially you guys– are filled with energy to change things, to do good, and hope…always hope for the best.

Cheers and good luck in all of your finals!



Topic: Sean Scanlan’s Zoom Meeting
Time: May 20, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Password: 100802