At the start of this year I have made a lot of resolutions. One of them being to focus on school more and just be more productive in all aspects of my life. Covid-19 has taken most those things away. Virtual learning has made things more difficult for me because I’m the type of person who procrastinates a lot. I have never taken an online class before, so in the beginning I was excited to try it out, but now I can see how it could possibly bring my grades down. I try to push myself to work harder each and everyday and for now it has been working out. Not being able to leave my house has put a strain on me mentally as well as the fear for anyone in my family to get the virus. This virus has effected me in more ways then one. I have lost my job as well as the ability to support myself. Before this outbreak I was a very social person and i loved to go out with my friends. Now everyone has to do their part for the community and stay home and maintain social distancing.
With everything that is going on I have to focus on the positives. Since the quarantine began I have been getting closer with my family and have a much stronger relationship with my sister. I’m grateful that I have a home to stay in, food to eat, and the ability to study online. This whole situation has changed my prospective of the world. Material things don’t matter as much as health and family values. It’s beautiful to see our community come together and I’m especially thankful to the first responders, nurses, doctors, firefighters, and police officers.
Hi Patricia,
Thanks for your heartfelt and well-written post. I’m very sorry to hear about how many things you lost this semester. I will work hard to ensure student, like you, do not see their grade suffers because of this.