Hi Class,

First, thanks to those who dropped into Zoom office hours today. I think it was fun and informative. Please note that these Zoom meetings are not mandatory; they are not graded–but I will award extra credit points to those who spend some time hanging out. I’ve now decided to think of my new office hours like this:

*Email: anytime

*Text/phone call: Mondays – Wednesdays 10am – 5pm

*Zoom in person, drop in meetings: Mondays 9 – 9:30 am; Tuesdays 10 – 10:30 am; Wednesdays 11 – 11:30am.


Second, I’ve updated our OpenLab site in terms of our Virtual Coffeehouse. The main change is that all of those posts –as long as you select the  CATEGORY: VIRTUAL COFFEEHOUSE — will now go to the menu tab labeled Virtual Coffeehouse instead of the homepage. So, please make sure to select the right category when posting. Also, if for some reason you can’t post in this way, please email me, and I will set up alternate plans so that you can still get those  points.


Third, if you have NOT activated your library card, please email me, and I will help you get activated so that you can do research from home using our City Tech Library.


That’s all for now-I will work on brief instructional videos over the next several days.

Please stay safe, healthy, and calm,
