Taking everything into account, while researching the topic of gentrification in bed stuy Stuyvesant, I have learned that for a long time, gentrification has been a thing and I thought it was only happening from the years 2000s and up but ever since then, gentrification has gotten a lot worse now as one of the areas I talked about it was said to be only Black residents concentrated area but then the government finds them and always increase the rent which meant forcing them to leave their respective area which was surprising to me because I didn’t know that if they couldn’t afford to pay their rent or their mortgages meant that they kicked them out of their areas and for some that meant that they and their families are homeless with no place to go or money to survive but for some others, they were forced to find shelters with their families so they could live in since they couldn’t afford to live in their respective area. the research in the third article that I researched talks about ways the government can help reduce/control gentrification in areas where they are most vulnerable to gentrification and another thing that surprised me was that the government has already agreed to help reduce/control gentrification.