In conclusion, when I was exploring the impact of screen time on a kid’s development, it taught me some crucial things. Dr. Jennifer Cross showed that too much screen time could lead to changes in a child’s brain. This is a big deal because it affects how kids learn and grow. Brittany Clair surprised me by talking about how worries about screens have changed over time. It’s not just about TV anymore, it’s about all kinds of screens and what they mean for kids. Sudheer Kumar Muppalla added more to the picture, explaining not only the bad effects of too much screen time but also giving practical tips to manage it. One surprising thing was how screen habits in kids connect to other unhealthy habits like bad eating and not enough sleep. This deepened my thinking about the issue. It’s not just about limiting screen time but finding a balance. What I learned is super important for parents and caregivers. They can use this info to make smart choices for their kids. And it’s not just for families, it’s also for teachers and people who make rules should know about it too. We need to talk about this more as a society, so everyone understands how screens affect their kid’s health and learning.